"I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding," I say carefully.

"Sal's not stupid. He won't risk open war."

"If you say so." Felix doesn't sound convinced.

"Either way, you're not leaving the house until this blows over. I can't take any chances with your safety."

Panic rises in my chest, tightening like a vise. Being trapped here, cut off from the outside world, will make getting a message to Sal nearly impossible.

Every day that ticks by is another step closer to where I can no longer hide my pregnancy. I have to find a way out, and fast.

"I understand you want to keep me safe," I say, forcing myself to stay calm.

"But we can't wait forever for the next threat to appear. I'll go stir-crazy if I can't leave eventually!"

Felix's eyes soften, and he brushes a strand of hair away from my face.

"I know,tesoro. But we have to be smart about this." His hand drifts down to rest on my stomach, and I fight not to flinch.

"Your safety is my top priority right now. Give it a few days, and if things remain quiet, I'll consider easing up."

A few days. I can work with that. It's not ideal, but if it buys me even a small window of opportunity, that might be all I need. I nod, leaning into his side.

"Thank you. That's all I ask."

The baby kicks inside me as if in protest. I swallow hard, staring out at the horizon.

You have no idea how much is at stake here, little one.

No matter what it takes, I will find a way to give you the life you deserve.

The life Felix and I can never have together.

A life free from this world of violence and lies.

Chapter 32


I pace the marble floor of my dining room, barking orders into my phone.

“I want eyes on her at all times. Do not let her out of your sight for even a second.”

My security team knows better than to fail me.

If anything were to happen to Emily, they’d regret the day they were born.

When I glance up, Emily waves to get my attention from the corner of the room.

She mouths the words “going upstairs,” before disappearing down the hall.

An hour later, I’ve assembled my best men in the living room.

Thirteen of my most trusted soldiers stand at attention, their eyes fixed on me.

I dial Emily’s number, waiting impatiently for her to pick up.

“Come downstairs,tesoro. There are some people I want you to meet.” She is my treasure, after all.