"Emily." Felix grasps my hands, forcing me to meet his gaze.

"We'll deal with this together."

I give a jerky nod, blinking back tears.

He can't know the truth.

Can't know that it's not just me I'm worried about anymore.

"I know," I whisper. "I trust you." What else can I say?

It's not entirely a lie.

I do trust Felix with all my heart.

But this is bigger than either of us now.

If this unravels, it will become about family. And I know where Felix stands on associating with his family's enemies.

Felix pulls me into his arms, holding me close. I cling to him, taking comfort in his warmth and strength.

For my current protection, we're in this together, for better or worse. And right now, it's looking like there will be much worse before we find our better, if ever.

Felix's phone rings, shattering the moment. He answers with a terse greeting, listening intently. His expression darkens, jaw clenching.

When he hangs up, he turns back to me. "That was Carlo. The Lucchese's struck back - they hit one of our warehouses tonight, killed three of our men."

I gasp, hands flying to my mouth. This is escalating quickly, spinning out of control. "What are we going to do?"

"We retaliate," Felix says grimly. "The only language these bastards understand is violence. We have to hit them back, hard, before they gain the upper hand."

"No, Felix, please!" I clutch at his shirt, staring up at him with wide eyes. "This will only lead to all-out war. There has to be another way!"

I need to stop him. Sal will only come after us more if he retaliates, putting my baby in danger.

He cups my face in his hands, gazing down at me earnestly.

"Emily, I wish there was. But if we show any sign of weakness now, they'll swallow us whole.

I have to protect my family, my business. Don't you worry. I've got this."

Tears spill down my cheeks as I grasp his wrists.

"But why? Why can't we put an end to this? Can't I just apologize?"

"Apologize?" he laughs, softly kissing my forehead.

"Maybe in another life. Out here, apologies don't count for anything. You've just got to lay low while I handle this, alright?

Now, go to sleep. My men are out there tonight, protecting you. Tomorrow, I'll handle it the way I know best."

His words bring little comfort. I know what he's planning is dangerous - a direct attack on the Lucchese family will only throw gasoline on an already raging fire.

But Felix is stubborn, unwilling to back down from a fight. He's always waged war like a game of chess, but real lives are at stake here, including our child's.

I must find a way out of this madness before it's too late.

I lay awake long after Felix fell asleep, his arms wrapped tightly around me.