Right now, I have to be strong.

The floorboards creak outside my bedroom door, and I now grip the gun with both hands.

The door creaks open and I take a deep breath, ready to pull the trigger if needed.


He bursts through the door, panic etched into his handsome features.

His eyes lock onto mine, relief washing over his face.

"Em, are you okay?"

I nod, my heart pounding. The gun feels heavy in my grip. I know I should put it down, but I can't.

Not yet. Not until I know we're safe.

Felix rushes to my side, gently placing a hand on the gun.

The gun slips from my trembling fingers, tumbling to the floor. He takes me into his arms.

His embrace is warm and comforting.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't mean to scare you."

Tears prick at my eyes as I cling to him. My free hand rests on my still-flat stomach, a fierce surge of protectiveness rushing through me.

I can't tell Felix about the baby.

"Shh, it's okay," Felix murmurs, stroking my hair. "You're safe now. I won't let anyone hurt you."

I sniffle, forcing a watery smile. "I know. I'm just being silly." How can I explain I don't trust anyone but myself to protect my baby?

Felix tips my chin up, gazing into my eyes. "You're not silly. But I promise, no one will get past me to hurt you again."

No one can know the truth.

There's a new life growing inside me—a life more precious than mine.

A life I'll protect at all costs.

Even if it means lying to the man I love.

"What happened?" I ask nervously.

"It was the Luccheses," he says. "We'll know more in the morning."

Felix rests on the bed beside me. He gently caresses my hair to comfort me, but I can't sleep peacefully until I know more.

Occasionally, he receives and sends messages through his walky-talky. I'm in and out of a hazy sleep filled with nightmares.

I can't decipher what's real and what's not.

At last, I sit up abruptly, throwing aside the covers.

"Tell me what you know," I demand.

Felix looks at me and sighs.