The moment I received the call, I rang Angelo.

My men stand right behind me.

Where the hell is Emily.

My eyes first scan over her and then perform a double take.

“Emily?” I ask loudly. She looks up. Yup, that’s her.

My body is fuelled with rage as I go closer to her.

She’s positioned on her chair, her face pale and eyes wide.

I’m about to ask her what happened exactly, word for word, when I notice the cuts and bruises on her arms and legs.

She looks like a wreck - blood seeping through her clothes.

“My god,” I gasp out, my voice a loud whisper in the cafe.

“Emily, who did this to you?” Tears are streaming down her cheeks, and she shakes her head.

She can’t speak. My heart tightens in anguish as I look closer at the damage to Emily’s body.

I look around for whoever did this to her. I know no one is here now, but if they’re still alive...

Emily shakes her head, unable to speak. “Was it your ex?” I ask.

“I ... I don’t know,” she says.

“Who else could it be?”

Just then, Angelo chimes in.

“Boss, I hate to break it to you. It could be Sal’s men.

If they found out we manipulated the stocks, it was only a matter of time before they tried to get to the bottom of it.

They could have identified Emily through the CCTV footage, despite the disguise and all.”

Then, he pauses before turning to Emily and whispering.

“I’m so glad you’re okay, Emily.”

For the first time since I entered, I saw Emily smile.

I stretch out my arm, put on my best consoling face, and tell her, “It’s okay. You are safe now.

I - all of us -” I say, pointing to Angelo and the men behind me, “will get to the bottom of this.”

Without hesitation, I pick up Emily into my arms protectively while signaling for one of my men to pay the bill.

“I can walk, you know?” she says.

“With all that blood on you? No way. Not until we figure out the extent of your injuries.”

I carry her to my car, and I can feel Emily trembling with fear next to me.

I put her in the backseat, laying her down. I take the front seat right next to the driver.