Each time I awake, I check on Emily, make sure she’s alright and go back to sleep.

I am sound asleep in the early hours of the next morning, and that noise echoes through the house.

It startles me awake, and I freeze for a moment before rushing to my feet.

My heart is pounding, and I make my way to the windows to check what caused such an abrupt awakening.

My eyes scan the landscape, and I can just make out two figures trying to climb up the pipe leading to this room.

They’re trying to break into Emily’s window!

Without thinking twice, I set the alert alarm, grab my gun from my discarded holster and rush downstairs.

As soon as they spot me, they turn and run away, but not before I get a good look at them.

Two young adults with hoods covering their faces - it is clear that these are no ordinary criminals.

In fact, from their attire, it almost seems like they wanted to get caught.

The Lucchese family crest was on their jackets at the back.

And they were here for revenge.

Chapter 29


I want to fall asleep in his arms, but I can’t.

He begins snoring quietly, and I can only focus on how he feels against me.

My chest is tight, and I wrap his arm around me tighter. I begin to cry silently to not wake him.

To think that this is the last time I’ll have him by my side like this feels like the end of the world.

Like a piece of me has died.

I want to lie down on the ground and feel its ice-cold marble against my skin, for even that seems warmer than the cold spreading through my bones, blood, and heart, numbing me to every reproach.

What if I didn’t run.

What if I stayed here and told him about the baby.

Couldn’t we just continue living that way - Emily and Felix with our little baby, forever.

He would want that. Felix would want that happy family.

But how soon before the Don’s woman and child become targets?

Before computer screens and articles are pulled up to find my weaknesses?

How long before my greatest weakness, the name assigned to me at birth, is declared? Rosalie.

What would he do with me then? Kill me?

Probably not.

But in all certainty, he would go to earth’s end to keep me from his child. My child.