He grabs my wrist and turns it behind my back.

“Why are you acting too pricey, slut?”

I grit my teeth and hold back the punches.

I feel like landing on this guy.

If I hurt the mafioso, they’ll come looking for me.

They probably have CCTVs all over that house, and no way this guy would not report me.

I can’t believe I got myself into this mess.

I want to scream for help, but I know it will do no good.

Instead, I try reasoning with him. “Please,” I say. “Not tonight. Look here, hun. You gave me your number, right? I’ll call you?”

He, instead, punches me in the face.

I stammer and fall to the ground.

He lifts me up by the hair and turns me around, trying to fondle my breasts.

I’ve had enough.

I’m just about to sucker punch the hell out of this guy when I see the headlights from the car flashing right into my eyes, blinding me to whatever is going to happen next.

Chapter 25


Ican’tbelievewhatI’m seeing.

Emily has done what I was afraid of - gotten herself in trouble and all for what; for something that could have waited.

I was driving back to my house when I was notified that 60,000 dollars had been debited from my account. What the fuck?

“Angelo,” I call, fearing another cyber-attack. “Who is in at work? What’s this charge?”

“That account is only accessed by Emily, boss,” says Angelo.

“Where the fuck is Emily?” I ask, my voice going stone cold.

“She went to the Lucchese party boss,” said Angelo, his voice dimming lower with every word. “She told me you gave her the green light.”

“You fuckin fool!” I scream into the phone. “When, just when, have I ever gone back on my word? You should have called me immediately.”

“But...she convinced me, boss.”

“I’ve got to go. You fucked up, Angelo. If there’s a single strand of hair hurt on her head...” I cut the call without needing to finish my sentence. Angelo’s known me long enough to know just how mad I am.

I drive as fast as I can toward Sal’s mansion.

I know where the house is.

We all know where our enemies live, after all.

What’s my grand plan? I don’t have one.