“Put Enzo in the car and bring him with you,” he yells at his enforcers.

“Yes, boss,” I hear.

The adrenaline is still pumping through my veins, and I know I won’t rest until we understand why Enzo did what he did.

“One of the cars got away,” says Felix, as he continues driving in a direction I don’t know.

“I know,” I say. “Don’t worry. I’m tracking it.”

Felix looks at me, his hands on the wheel, his gaze at me. “You’re incredible. Can you please send…”

“Already did,” I say, not needing him to complete the sentence.

“The men are on it.”

Chapter 19


Werideinsilencefor a while, my hands gripping the steering wheel tightly as I race through the city streets toward our destination.

Emily’s gaze never leaves me, and I know she can sense my worry and fear.

Finally out of danger and sure the cops are no longer tailing us, I turn to look at Emily. She looks pale and tired.

“Are you okay?” I ask gruffly, not taking my hands off the wheel.

What I want to do, though, is reach out and caress the marks that the assailant left on her.

She nods her head slowly, looking almost in a daze.

“Yeah,” she finally manages to say. “I’m fine.”

“You should have listened to me, Emily,” I say, guilt overriding my senses.

She looks at me, her eyes shining with anger and frustration.

“I couldn’t just stand by and watch. I had to do something.”

I take a deep breath, trying to keep my emotions in check.

I know that I can’t protect her all the time, but seeing her in danger like that makes me feel like a failure.

“I know,” I say quietly, glancing at her briefly before returning to the road.

“But you have to let other people handle some things.”

“Why?” she asks. “You needed me eventually, didn’t you? When Enzo had that gun to your head? Where were your men then?”

“Emily, not everything needs to be an argument.”

“And not everything needs to be in order.”

“I wasn’t ordering you, god damn it. I was petrified, Emily. If anything happened to you on the field, I would be responsible. You weren’t supposed to be there. You don’t belong there.”

“Why?” she asks, folding her hands across her chest. “Cause I’m a woman?”

I grit my teeth, feeling my anger rise. “No, because you’re my woman, and I don’t want to lose you.”