“Whatever you say, boss.”

God, I’d love to hear her call me boss in the bedroom.

I try to get that thought out of my mind by walking ahead of her, towards the elevator, because if I walk behind her, I’d be staring right at her juicy ass.

She enters the elevator, and I press for the basement, where backend tech and finance are set up.

I notice nine curious eyes looking up at us when we walk in.

Each one of them quickly closes their screens, puts their phones face down, or slams their laptops shut.

“There’s no need for that,” I say.

“This is Emily Jackson, and she’s going to be working here now.”

“We didn’t know about this boss,” says Angelo. “What work?”

“Crypto desk and securities.”

“What?” says Enzo as he emerges from the darkness.

“I handle crypto. You should have discussed this before hiring someone on my team.”

As he comes closer, I notice him observing Emily.

“Wait,” he says, his face now chalk-dust white. “You’re the girl who broke into the boss’s computers, didn’t you?”

Emily gasps, as does the rest of the room. She looks at me with terror in her eyes.

“It’s not what you think,” she stammers, but I can see the fear and guilt carved on her face. I understand the guilt, but I grapple with the fear. What is she afraid of?

“So you’re a hacker?” Enzo demands, his tone dangerous.

“I didn’t hack anything!” Emily protests, but Enzo doesn’t seem to believe her.

I step forward, placing myself between Emily and Enzo, my body tensed and ready for any possible threat.

“Enough,” I say firmly.

“Emily is here to work, and she has no ill intentions towards this company or any of you. We hired her for a reason, and it’s none of your concern how we came to find her.”

Enzo glares at me for a moment longer before nodding curtly and storming off.

Angelo, who’s been quiet up until now, speaks up.

“I think that’s a good idea, boss. We could use fresh talent in the department. You did her background check, boss?”

I feel intense fury. I must remind them of the one thing they seem to have forgotten. I’m the Don. “Have you all forgotten your place?” I hiss.

“I’ve initiated you, and I can also undo that just as easily.

There’s a tense drip of venom in the air, pointing at us from every direction.

I feel angry, but I know I shouldn’t. My men are only looking out for me as per the rules I lay in place.

I’m just about to remind them that the rules count for everyone except me, but Emily steps in before I can say anything.

“Yes, Mr. Carlisi did the background check. I can hack, but only for ethical reasons. I’m here to work, not cause trouble. I believe I can help you.”