must have kept in.

“Those men,” he continues once he gets his breath back.

“They barged into my house, my sick wife and two little girls and I, we were just eating dinner. They threatened to hurt my family if I didn’t return the money. I...the girls were crying when they pulled me out of my house.”

“They did this in front of your wife and kids?” asks Felix, his voice menacingly low.

Enrique nods, fear still gripping him. “Yes, sir. They threatened to take my wife’s medicine away if I didn’t pay up,” he says, his voice shaking with emotion.

“I see,” replies Felix, his eyes narrowing. “And how much time do you need to pay back the Carlisi family?”

“I don’t know, sir. A few months, maybe? I promise I’ll pay them back every penny I owe,” Enrique says, desperation lacing his voice.

Felix looks at me for a moment before turning back to Enrique.

“Alright, Enrique. I’ll speak to the Carlisi family and see what I can do. In the meantime, you take care of your family and make sure they’re safe,” he says, his voice commanding but also kind.

Enrique looks at Felix in disbelief, tears streaming down his face. “T-Thank you, sir. Thank you so much,” he says, gratitude etched on his face.

“Stay here,” says Felix. I offer Enrique some water, which he gulps down as fast as possible.

When Felix returns, he brings the three associates with him.

“Stand there,” he barks, pointing at a wall. The three line up, each looking more nervous than the last.

“You bastards attacked a man in front of his wife and kids? Threatened his wife? His kids?

I told you, we don’t work like that anymore.”

The three just stare at their feet, barely breathing. They’re petrified of their Don, and for once, I’m glad.

“If you ever do that again with him, or any other family man, I’ll make sure you’re dealt with.”

I feel a shiver go down my spine. It’s rare for a Don to threaten his own associates with the ultimate punishment for a crime - death.

“Enrique here will pay us back within a year. Enrique,” says Felix, turning to face him. “All your interest on the debt has been cleared. Any interest you paid in the past will count towards your principal sum. You have one year to

pay us back. Is that enough time?”

“Y...yes, sir,” says Enrique.

“Good. And I have friends in hospitals. Good doctors. You need help for your wife. You drop by, okay?”

“Sir,” he says, now crying with relief. “Thank you.”

“Leave,” orders Felix.

Enrique doesn’t need to be told twice. He’s out of here within the blink of an eye.

Felix turns to his associates. “Never threaten a man in debt again. Ever. Find out the reason for the loan, why they can’t pay it back - with words and words alone - and explain the reason. From there, I decide from the smallest

loans to the biggest. You’re not to intervene. And remember, one more screw-up, I will deal with you, personally.”

Felix’s upper lip curves into one of residual anger. His honchos nod and walk out quietly and carefully.

I can hear their fear echoing in their lack of protection.

Once the room is clear, Felix sits down on the table with his head between his hands.