"Almost there," the driver mutters.

I try to memorize every step, every turn, and anything that could help me escape later on.

Finally, we stop, and I hear the creaking of a heavy door as it opens.

The smell of musty old wood floods my senses.

"Wait here," the passenger seat enforcer orders, pushing me down onto an uncomfortable wooden chair.

My hands are still bound behind my back, and they tie my legs together.

"Please," I whisper, more to myself than to anyone else.

"Please let me go. I won't tell anyone about this. I promise."

"Save your pleas for Hunter," the driver sneers, and then I hear the door slam shut once again, plunging me into silence.

I take shallow breaths, fighting against the panic threatening to consume me.

What does he want with me?

Can I use our past connection to convince him to release me?

Time seems to stretch into infinity as I wait, my every nerve on edge.

And then, suddenly, the door opens again, and I hear footsteps approaching.

"Rosalie," a voice says softly.

A voice that sends chills down my spine – Hunter's voice.

The blindfold is ripped from my eyes, and I blink against the harsh light of the room.

As my vision adjusts, I finally see Hunter Drucci standing before me with a predatory smile.

"Hello, Rosalie," he purrs, his eyes dark and dangerous.

"It's been far too long."

"Let me go, Hunter," I plead, trying to sound braver than I feel.

"Please, you don't have to do this."

"Ah, but I think I do," he replies, circling me like a shark.

"You see, your family owes me something. And you, my dear, are going to help me collect."

"Never," I whisper, glaring at him with all the defiance I can muster.

"Is that so?" His smile widens, revealing his true intentions. "Well, let's see if I can change your mind."

And with that, he reaches out to tenderly hold my face in place and gives me a punch across my eye.

Chapter 40


That very night, I asked to see Tony.