“Shut up,” he barks, pushing me down to do a full body check outside his door.

He runs his hands down my legs and along the sides of my torso before checking inside, under my skirt and back pockets.

He holds my breasts, searching every crevice. This time, slower.

He lingers there for an eternity until I can feel his grip loosen ever so slightly as if he’s almost convinced himself that I haven’t taken anything from him.

His hands move through my pockets, rummaging and searching for whatever could be hidden away. He finds my phone, takes it, throws it to the ground, and crushes it with his feet.

Finally satisfied that there’s nothing I have on him or from him, he releases me and takes a step back, allowing me to take in a much-needed breath of air.

He glares at me, his face hard and angry as he speaks.

“You may not know this about me, Emily - or whatever your name is,” his lips curl in contempt.

“But I’m a very powerful man. They'd be dead if anyone else tried this shit in my house.

Hear what I have to say, loud and clear - don’t you ever come back here,” he growls, threateningly pointing his finger in my face.

“If I see you again in this state, I’ll fuckin’ kill you.”

And just like that, the man who so lovingly caressed me just a few hours ago left me with another hit on my head.

With no phone or belongings on me, I have no choice but to go to the White Rabbit, grab some cash, and make a run for it.

Chapter 5


She'swalkingawayfromme in that black leather skirt, and all I can do is yell out to her, and beg her to come back because I need to feel her flesh against mine.

She turns around at last, but her face is distorted...ugly.

I wake up in cold sweat. It's the same dream again that wakes me with a gasp.

The fear that had slowly built up inside me while I slept suddenly erupts, and I find myself shaking uncontrollably, my heart pounding faster than ever.

I try desperately to understand what happened and focus on the facts.

It wasn't Emily who tried to take something from me - it was someone else entirely. Someone wanted revenge on me for some unknown reason.

But it doesn't comfort me. Even the facts, at this point, could be conjecture.

My thoughts quickly return to her betrayal as I step out of bed and paces around like a caged animal.

I wish for the time to move faster so she thinks she's safe enough to return. So I can grab her and hold her hostage and finally ask the questions I so want to ask.

I won't kill her ... no. I will get answers, though.

But she's gone, and I'm left feeling emptiness.

I wonder what really happened to Emily. Who is she? Where did she come from and why did she try to spy on me?

My mind keeps returning to those few precious moments when we shared a passionate bed - when our lips, souls, and bodies all seemed connected.

That has never happened before ... at least, not with me.

Women were, to me, for the longest time - disposable?