“Have they caught on to the fact that the largest investors might have acted on selling because of the fake financials I planted?”

“That is only a matter of time,” says Angelo.

“They’ll catch up, and when they do, they’ll come for us. They’ll never report it because can you imagine how stupid they’ll look.”

“But how will they come for us?” I ask, getting worried.

“Don’t worry,” says Felix. “If they do, I’ll protect us all. For now, let’s celebrate.”

Chapter 27


IwatchasFelixbrings the room to attention.

“Friends,” he says, “we wouldn’t have been here without Emily’s excellence in corporate espionage. This is why sometimes, the mafia needs someone from not around here because while we may have the brawns, they have the


Sounds of laughter, claps, and “here, here’s” chime around the room.

I blush. All of this, everything, it’s for me.

“Emily,” says Felix. “You deserve a commission for the money you won us back. Doesn’t she, folks?”

“Damn right she does,” says Angelo, grinning at me.

Angelo. My friend. My confidante. This room feels like home now, and I am saddened at whether I may be here tomorrow or night.

When I tell Felix who I am tonight, I don’t know how he’ll swing - toward forgiveness or banishment?

Sadness fills my soul in this moment of joy. I try to shake it off, but it’s always lingering.

“Today is a well-deserved day off. All of you, get out of here. Get back to the spouse and kids.”

Soon, everyone scatters. Felix and I remain.

“Emily,” he says, pulling me closer. “Tell me what you want. Anything. I will buy it for you!”

I look at him, my heart beating faster. This may be the last time he’ll look at me like this.

My throat tightens, and I try to push the thought from my mind.

“I just want you,” I whisper.

“Then you shall have me,” he says, his lips already on mine.

“You’re so beautiful,” he murmurs, his hands tracing patterns over my body. This feels so warm and comfortable.

He has become my safe haven.

“I have to go use the washroom,” I say, detangling myself.

I can’t allow myself to succumb to my desire because I know what that will lead to. I’d want things to remain the same, and I won’t be able to tell him the truth.

From now on, I need to keep my distance.

I rush to the washroom, wash my face, and wipe off the tears threatening to spill.