“Hey, now that you’re back home, I want to come up for a game or two, stay the night in the city. Maybe Sydney could introduce me to some of her cute single friends. Whattya say?” Nate interrupted the moment.

“Sure, that’d be great,” I said, nodding, only half-listening.

“Mm-hmm,” Sydney echoed, bobbing her head, but still looking at me.

“Cool. Shoot me your game schedule, Nick, and I’ll see what days I can take off.”

“Kids, dinner!” My mom’s voice rang out from the kitchen.

Nate headed into the dining room, Sydney and I following close behind, my arm still wrapped around her. The table was set for dinner, with the white-and-gold Christmas tablecloth, Christmas china, and an evergreen centerpiece completing the tableau.

“This all looks lovely,” Sydney said, beaming at my mother.

“Aww, thank you. We’re just happy to have you all here for the holidays. Come, sit.” My mom gestured to the seats on the opposite side of the table, Sydney and me sitting next to each other, Nate and my gran across from us, and my parents flanking the ends. “Your father is running late, but he said to start the salads without him.”

“Mom, can I get you a drink? Gran?” Nate offered.

“Sure, honey. Just bring the white and red to the table. That’s the easiest.”

Sydney and I took our seats and Gran immediately started talking football.

“You boys are going to make the playoffs, right?” she asked, peering at me over her glasses.

I nodded. “Planning on it, Gran.”

Her serious face broke into a wide grin. “Well, you better, because I want to see my grandson play some ball. I’m coming to the city for a game.”

“I’ll hold you to it,” I said. “Nate is too. You should come with him, hit the town afterwards.” I smirked at Nate as he walked back into the room with the wine. He glared at me over my gran’s white head.

“White, Gran?” Nick asked, showing her the bottle.

“If that’s the strongest you got, sure.”

Nate filled her glass, then my mom’s, topping Sydney off for good measure before taking his seat.

“This looks great, Mom,” Nate said, digging into his salad.

“Thanks, hun. Dinner’s a roast, new potatoes, and broccoli. I know you boys probably don’t eat home-cooked meals too often, so I made your favorites.” She smiled, then took a sip of wine. “Sydney, what’s your family doing for the holidays? Will you see them at all?”

Sydney smoothed her napkin on her lap and cleared her throat before answering. “My dad’s out in California with my stepmom. I’ll probably see him after the season’s over. Not sure about my mom, but probably not. We don’t usually spend the holidays together. Because of my schedule.” Sydney twisted her necklace, rubbing it between her fingers.

“Oh. Well, I’m glad you could join us.”

Sydney smiled, straightened her shoulders. “Thank you for having me.”

“Of course, dear. Anytime.”

“Ho, ho, ho!” My dad barreled into the room, grinning, breaking the awkwardness over Sydney’s family arrangement. He ruffled Nate’s hair, shot me a wave, then kissed my mom square on the lips.

“Dad! We’re at the dinner table,” Nate teased before shoveling another bite of salad into his mouth.

“So? I can’t share some holiday cheer with my lovely wife?”

“Gross,” Nate said, wrinkling his nose.

“Pour yourself a drink, John. Your salad’s in the fridge; I didn’t want it to wilt.”

“Thanks, honey.”