"You mean?" I raised a brow.

"Mom asked you to bring a love interest, right? So invite the baby daddy," Ruby said.

This was the Saturday before I had to come to the office for something I had forgotten.

We were still deliberating her plan and she had suggested that I invite Adam to the family dinner my mom had planned. It was going to be just us girls and whomever I was interested in.

Originally, I had planned to bring Harold along. He was interesting but didn't interest me the way Adam did. I had planned to bring him since Mom liked him and it would put her heart at ease that I was trying my best in the affairs of the heart.

"Should I tell Mom I'm not bringing Harold?" I asked.

"Wait, it's not Harold?" She raised a questioning brow.

"No, it isn't."

"What exactly have you been up to, big sis?” She sighed and took a sip of her coffee.

“Stuff,” I shrugged almost, amused by the whole thing.

I touched my stomach.

"Is it kicking?" She asked.

"Just shut up, Ruby," I groaned as I rubbed my forehead.

"Fine, fine," she sighed, "So do you get the plan?"

"Invite him. If he's interested in me, he'll say he'll be there, but if he isn't he'll give excuses," I replied.

"Good," she gave a satisfied nod, "I will be leaving for New York today. So, you two can be there tomorrow."

"But he's actually a busy person," I tried to explain, "He might have emergency patients or something like that, so he'll definitely be busy."

"Sweet, naïve, big sister," she shook her head negatively and gave a pitiful sigh, "You really don't know how men think, do you?"

"I'm assuming you're the expert?" I smiled.

"Of course I am," she whipped her hair, "You need to see the fools fawn over me on campus; it's honestly funny no matter how many times I witness it."

I could guess why they kept fawning over her. With a body like hers, what man in his right senses wouldn't want a piece?

Then it dawned on me…what if Adam fell for her?

I felt insecure, and this was my little sister I was worried about.

"I think I know what's going on in your head right now," she said, "What if he falls for me?"


"You don't have to feel bad. I mean, I guess it's why I don't have a lot of female friends, because they worry I'd take their men away from them," she said, "It affects my relationship with men as well, because I'm always wondering if they're after me or my cake. But I believe that one day, I’ll meet someone who doesn't just care about my body."

"I'm sorry, Ruby," I apologized.

"Yeesh, stop apologizing," she rolled her eyes, "We can use my sexiness to your advantage as well. How about we test if he's interested in other women besides you?"

"I…I rather not do that," I looked away.

"Don't be like that," she sighed, "It's for your own good."