"Don't even start about the good genes," I rolled my eyes as I continued inspecting myself.
"Your boobs got bigger," she pointed out.
"That's because you haven't seen them in a while," I retorted.
"Yeah, but still. This is a tad bit bigger," she insisted as she brought her face in for a closer look, "Could it be…you found someone to fondle them?"
"What are you on about this time?" I groaned as I made my way to the bathroom.
"No, no, I've heard of this. When a woman has her boobs manhandled by the man she loves, it grows bigger to attract the man and kickstarts reproductive urges," she replied even as I got into the bathroom, "Hold on. I'm joining you."
I was going to take the tests, but I decided to leave it till the next morning.
As we bathed together, she told me about what she had been up to. She was studying accounting, but she was on a break for the semester. Mom's pharmacy was still doing well, and Amber (our youngest sister) had just finished high school.
Mom wasn't seeing anyone, but there was Bill, a neighbor and old family friend whom we all knew crushed hard on Mom. Well, we all knew except Mom.
I didn't blame her. Some people couldn't move on after their partners died. And she believed there was no longer time on her side.
I thought about Adam Hunt. As the most powerful doctor in Richmond, the factors that normally deterred people from settling down, such as age and wealth, didn't apply to him anymore.
But why didn't he settle down?
His house was ghastly empty and depressing. I could understand why he hardly went home. In fact, it could have been the reason he had started womanizing.
"It's just that there’s been some talks about you and our handsome, brooding womanizer boss."
When Harold had first said that, it had irked me for some reason. True, I had the same mindset when I had first met Adam; but that was because it was the image everyone had painted about him.
"Sis? Sis! Goddammit, Crystal, you're going to peel my back!" Ruby yelled, snapping me back to reality.
I was helping her scrub her back and had gotten lost in thought.
"So sorry about that," I apologized.
"Crystal, what's wrong?" She asked.
"It's… complicated," I replied.
"Oh, the affairs of the heart," she sighed, "I can't help you out there. But I can listen though."
"Thank you, Ruby," I smiled.
"Now, hand over your back so I can have my revenge," she said as she spun me around and started to scrub as hard as she could.
“You’re going to peel my back!” I warned as I grimaced in pain.
“Serves you right,” she said as she continued her job of tormenting me.
There was no need to worry. I wasn’t panicking.
Chapter fifteen
The Impossible Acts
Celine Williams. LA’s most renowned actress. Known popularly for her beautiful breasts and ass, considering she also appeared in porn sets.