I didn’t reply, just looked away.
“Oh my goodness, you don’t know how to ride a bike?” She started to laugh.
“Oh, shut up,” I rolled my eyes. My cheeks were red from embarrassment, “I never learned.”
“Didn’t your parents teach you?” she asked.
“Single father,” I replied, “He didn’t have the time.”
“I’m sorry,” she apologized.
“I’m over it,” I shrugged.
“Tell you what?” she said as the car came to a stop at the entrance, “I’ll teach you.”
As we arrived, I couldn't help but feel a pang of uncertainty. The thought of embarrassing myself in front of Crystal weighed heavily on my mind. But she approached me with a gentle smile, assuring me that she could teach me.
"Don't worry, Adam," Crystal said, reaching out to squeeze my hand reassuringly. "It'll be a fun and unforgettable experience. I'll show you how to ride, and I'll be right here with you every step of the way."
“You sound like a mom,” I said.
“Maybe you just need to be babied,” she said.
Her genuine kindness and encouragement touched me deeply, despite my grumpy exterior. Reluctantly, I agreed to give it a try, hoping I wouldn't embarrass myself too much in the process.
Crystal guided us to the area I had reserved. I was actually happy that I had the area rented out. I didn’t want anyone to know that the most powerful doctor in Richmond didn’t know how to ride a bike.
She retrieved two bicycles, adjusted the seat heights, and demonstrated the basics of balancing and pedaling. Patiently, she stood by my side, offering words of encouragement and steadying me whenever my wobbly legs threatened to give way.
“Oh my God, Adam. Relax,” she said while trying to suppress her laughter.
“This is stupid,” I grumbled, “Stupid bike, stay still!”
“Adam,youneed to stay still,” she said with a smile, amused at my attempt to maintain balance. “I’m holding the bike, so you don’t have to worry. Just imitate walking.”
“You better not let go,” I warned as I steadied myself.
“Yeah, yeah, you big baby,” she teased as she led me.
I pushed my legs as she instructed.
I stumbled and faltered, but Crystal's laughter filled the air, bringing a smile to my face. Her joy was infectious, and soon I even found myself chuckling at my own clumsy attempts. With each fall, I could sense Crystal's unwavering support, which only fueled my determination to succeed.
Through every stumble and rise, our connection grew stronger. We laughed and learned together, weaving an unbreakable bond. Crystal's radiant smile illuminated the beauty of the island, and I cherished every moment with her, despite my grumbles.
As the day progressed, my persistence paid off. With Crystal's patient guidance, I began to find my balance, my hesitant pedaling gradually transforming into confident strides.
"I'm… I'm doing it!" I yelled as I steered the bicycle.
The wind greeting my face seemed fresher and cooler.
I turned and saw Crystal standing with her bike in hand, a warm smile on her face… if only I had a camera.
"Look at the road, idiot!" She yelled.
I turned and noticed I was heading to a tree. I held the brakes too hard and ended up falling over.
"You're not an expert yet," she said, cycling up to me. "Keep your eyes on the road. I don't want to end up treating you at your own hospital."