"You see, right now you aren't even talking to me. You're thinking about him," Sarah pointed out.
"I just don't know if I'm ready to forgive him. Even if I wanted to, I just can't forget what he did," Crystal said.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Sarah said.
"What do you mean?" Crystal asked.
"Uh… it's nothing. Pay it no mind." Sarah replied nervously.
"Oh no, I need to pay it some mind. Tell me." Crystal demanded.
"Catherine said there's a chance that it might have just been a misunderstanding," Sarah replied.
"How does she know that?" Crystal asked.
"That's what he explained," Sarah replied.
"What do you think?" Crystal asked her, "Should I just forgive him and start over?"
Forgive him?
She couldn't be serious. Why did she want to forgive him and start over?
The thought shouldn't have even entered her mind.
Damn you, Sarah!
"That'll always be left to you," Sarah replied.
I had heard enough.
I needed to end this before it was too late or Adam had a chance to redeem himself in her eyes.
I found him in his office going through his phone.
"What is it, Harold?' he asked with a sigh that implied I was nothing but a pest.
We'd see how long he was able to keep that up.
"Cut off your ties with Crystal," I said.
He raised his brow, amused by my demands, "Why?"
"You're not in any position to be asking me questions." I warned.
"Then do tell what position I'm in," he requested with an arrogant smirk.
"The kind where you have to do as I say," I said.
He stopped the smirk and sighed, "And if I don't?"
I pulled out my phone and showed him the images and videos.
His cocky aura reduced a little then intensified again.
"So, what are my options?" he asked as he put his phone down on the table.
"Give up on Crystal. Tell her you hate her now and show off another woman to her," I replied, "I want her to hate you permanently and this time, make sure you don't try to fix it. Fire her from the company if you have to."