"Please," I pleaded, "Leave me alone."
"It's not like that," he tried to explain.
"With due respect, sir, you should do as she says," Harold said as he stepped in between us.
"Step aside, Harold," Adam growled.
"No," Harold refused.
I held onto Harold's arm. Adam's frown hurt me, and I watched his fist tighten as he tried to suppress his rage.
"Crystal, just hear me out," he said as he took a step closer to me, but Harold placed his hand against Adam's chest.
"Don't make a scene," Harold warned.
"You really don't want to get between us," Adam said, "Now just step aside and…"
"Dr. Hunt, please just stop, okay?" I requested.
"Crystal, I…"
"Let's go," I said to Harold as he led me away.
I could feel Adam's gaze and his anger digging deep into my back. But I wasn't going to turn around. Not this time, not ever again.
"Aarrgh!" I yelled as I flipped my desk and tossed the visitor chairs.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Catherine yelled.
I couldn't speak. I was too angry. I fell to my knees then buried my face in my hands. My heart pounded with pure rage.
"Adam," Catherine called.
"I didn't do anything! I changed…I really changed," I muttered.
I recalled the arrogant smirk on Harold's face when Crystal had held his arm.
The bastard must have been on some power trip thinking he had finally gotten a chance with my woman.
"Dr. Hunt, please just stop, okay?" Crystal had requested.
Just remembering it made me feel like I was being stabbed multiple times by a million blades.
"Why doesn't she believe me?" I asked Catherine.
"Because it's hard to believe that people can easily change just like that," she replied.
"Catherine, I'm telling you the truth. This was all Amanda's doing," I defended myself. There was a tired look in her eyes like she didn't believe me at all, "I cut off communications with her and the others. I even…" I remembered the check and looked for it in my trashcan, "Here. I wrote her this check to get her off my back, but she refused."
"She refused a million dollars?" Catherine raised a brow in confusion, "Why would she do that?"
"Because apparently she…"
"She's in love with you or just wants access to the main thing," she completed my statement.
"Exactly that," I let out a sigh of relief, "I just need to tell Crystal that."