There were many trees, and man was given permission to eat from every one of them, save for one.

In my case, I was free to womanize with anyone of my choice except….

My staff…

Didn’t matter their position in my company: big or small, part-time or full-time, volunteer or staff. It was written in stone… thou shalt not have an affair with thine staff.

I knew that, and I knew it well… but then why was I doing this?

We were in her office and she had her hands against the door.

I was on my knees with her scrubs pulled down to her feet.

She wore very cute pink underwear with a flowery print.

The women I had been with in the past always wore lace or something fancy, so I had automatically assumed that every woman wore lace or thongs by default.

"Don't just stare at it," she said in a whimper, "It's embarrassing."

I knew she was embarrassed, but she was literally begging by pushing her ass out.

Let me take a step back and explain what had happened before the situation involved her shameful display to my face.

I was unable to get the make out session from the previous day out of my mind.

As I sat in my office with a raging boner, I was a little upset with myself that I hadn’t gone all the way with her.

This was my first time being teased like this. I had always gone all the way with women I fancied, even if it was my first time meeting them.

But now with her, I started to wonder why I didn't take my time to savor the other women I spent time with.

"It's a little frustrating," I said as I rubbed my penis, "But damn, she was beautiful."

I recalled her face… she really was.

Her blue eyes had been slightly dazed.

If a kiss was enough to get her that lightheaded, I couldn't help wondering what else she would have been weak to. She didn't want to cross the line sexually but was okay with doing anything else.

I respected her decision, and honestly it was refreshing. After being used to having women beg me to take them there and then, I had grown bored of doing the same thing the same way, over and over.

That wasn't the only thing I enjoyed about Crystal.

I placed my hand on my chest as I recalled how fast my heart was beating.

She was definitely different from everyone else. My heart had never beaten that fast for anyone else. It was another discovery and one I didn't mind.

Another thing to note… I didn't feel so lonely anymore.

She was gradually occupying a corner of my heart and expanding her borders. I couldn't get enough of her.

I thought about going home but…

I had accepted the truth she had force-fed me that I was indeed a lonely man.

The hardness disappeared, and I sat there wallowing in self-pity.

Maybe… just maybe… I could have a little bit of company.