I placed my hand on my chest and realized that it wasn't beating as fast as it would have had I been with Adam.

"Is everything okay?" Harold asked.

I didn't answer. I placed my hand against his chest and his heartbeat was relatively calm as well.

"Everything is fine," I replied. "Sorry about that. Good night, Harold."

"Good night, Crystal. See you tomorrow," he said as I got out of his car and closed the door.

I made my way to my room. I didn't take off my clothes. I just laid in bed and forced myself to sleep.

I dreamt about Adam that night.

His hands holding me safe.

I wondered if I still needed to tell him about our baby.

Chapter twenty-one

Let's Make a Deal


“Fuck!" I hit the steering wheel once I noticed she had gone into the apartment.

“Why won't you let me have you?!" I yelled.

You know, life hasn't always been fair to me.

In terms of romance, that is.

When I was fresh out of high school, I was the top graduating student. Sure, I was not rich, but my family was able to get whatever we wanted.

I thought it was enough.

Maybe because I chose to remain single throughout high school, keeping myself for the right person when I graduated, I sucked in the dating space.

Take Brittany, for instance: beautiful hair, killer bod, and all that. We were together once, dated for a few months.

I was getting ready for medical school, and she was pursuing law.

Everything was perfect. Then Jeff came around. Rich, proud, and good-looking Jeff. Then Brittany got week in the knees, making it easy for him to sweep her off her feet right in front of my eyes.

He was a bastard. Didn't care about her a lot, had other girls at his beck and call...and yet she chose to stay with him.

Was she stupid or something?

I could never understand it.

Same thing with other women I met even when I got into medical school.

Their eyes always wavered. For someone else, someone who would always do something I never did or couldn't grasp.

Then there was her.

She had transferred quite late and arrived late during a professor's lecture as well. As she walked in, she didn't seem to have any atom of regret in her eyes. To her, she did nothing wrong.

"What's your name?" The professor, Dr. Maxwell, asked.