Page 59 of Prey

I saw no sign of Mannix or Ares.

We retreated into the shadow of a few trees and stopped to catch our breath. Sirens wailed in the distance. They quickly drew closer.

"We need to be away from here before the cops come," Ice said. "They'll have too many questions we don't want to answer."

"Are you sure?" I searched for his eyes in the darkness. "We're the innocent victims in a case of attempted murder."

He laughed softly. "Victims, yes. Innocent, not so much. It's better if they don't know we were here. They'll call it an accident and move on. That's what we need to do." He tugged my hand and we slipped further away.

"Right now, Samuel Bell won't be sure who we are, or who fucked with his computer. If the police detain us, then he'll know. And we can't be sure if any of them are on his payroll."

"I hadn't thought of that," I admitted. He was right. All of that would be bad.

"Lucky you have the Iceman around." He flashed me a brief smile, one that spoke of the pain he was in.

"Do you need to rest for a minute?" I asked. It was too dark to get a real idea of how badly injured he was, but it must be pretty bad if he was showing any sign of it. If he let it get past his laid-back exterior.

"Nah, I'm fine." He sounded dismissive, but not entirely convincing. "If we weren't in a hurry, I'd pin you to a tree and fuck you silly."

I suspected he thought about doing that anyway, but the sirens were closer now, and the voices behind us louder and more insistent.

"They can't be far. Spread out and look."

"I guess they didn't find Mannix or Ares yet," Ice remarked. He was walking faster now, all but dragging me with him.

I had to trot to keep up, which hurt the hell out of my feet. I pushed the pain aside as best I could and kept going. The thought of being caught by Bell, or sidetracked by the cops, was a good incentive to keep putting one foot in front of the other. The further and faster we went, the harder it became to ignore it.

After a while, it swamped my thoughts. All I knew was pain and moving forward, step by step. I couldn't even say how fast I was going or where we were. Pain encompassed everything.

Tears blurred my vision and trickled down my cheeks, but I didn't slow.

Not until Ice came to a sudden stop.

"Long time no see," one of the twins drawled.

I blinked to clear my eyes. I thought it might have been Hunter, but I wasn't sure until he spoke again.

"Parker was just saying he wondered if you were inside the car when it blew up. I guess not."

"We're not that easy to kill," Ice bragged.

Parker turned on the light on his watch and waved it up and down at us quickly before turning it off.

"Maybe not, but you look like shit. And it sounds like we should vacate the area pretty fucking quickly."

"That's what we were trying to do, bro," Ice told him.

"Lucky you bumped into us then," Hunter said. "Come on, we'll give you a hand." He slipped an arm around me. We made it a few steps before he realised I wasn't keeping up.

"My feet," I whispered. I didn't want to make a fuss, but I also didn't want to slow us down. I'd feel like crap if we all got caught because of me.

"Piece of cake," he said cheerfully. He leaned down and placed his arm under my knees, the other under my arm and swept me up.

"The fuck?" Ice growled.

"Chillax, dude," Hunter said. "Your girl is hurt and you're in no shape to carry her. Parker and I can always leave you here if you prefer."

"No," I said quickly. "It's okay. Hunter is helping me, nothing else."