‘I like that,’ he groaned at one point. ‘Oh, I really,reallylike that...’

Sooner than either of them would have ideally liked, it was morning and time for a quick breakfast in their palatial suite and then departure.

‘On your way back to the yacht, spend one last night here and join us for dinner,’ Stella pleaded.

They flew to Almeria and completed the journey to the mountain villa by car. From the moment they stepped down onto the first paved terrace of a series, Claire was enchanted by the view of the wooded hillsides and that was even before Raif pointed out the Rock of Gibraltar and Morocco in the misty distance. A forest of pine and oak trees surrounded the wonderfully colourful lush tropical garden. High on a nearby hill and surrounded by a rambling village stood an old, ruined castle, its jagged roofline piercing the bright blue sky.

With wide eyes, Claire stared at the spectacular infinity pool complete with steps, wet bar and a miniature island, before turning on her heel to walk inside the house.

‘What’s wrong?’ Raif followed her. ‘Don’t you like it?’

Claire tugged her appreciative attention from the beautiful tiled living area, patio doors open on all sides to make the most of the fabulous views, and swallowed hard in her dazed state. ‘It’s fantastic,’ she whispered. ‘How could Inotlike it? Do you own this place?’

‘It’s a rental but I own the company. I developed the villas in this area, a handful from scratch and others from derelict homesteads,’ he explained calmly. ‘I suppose I do own it, only I don’t regard it as one of my private homes.’

She peered into the kitchen with its pretty blue shutters, catering-sized stove and smooth surfaces.I suppose I do own it. Oneof my private homes. She blinked and almost laughed. He had brought her into a disconcerting new world of wealth and opulence, and she could still barely credit that such a lifestyle was now hers to share with him. Her exploration continued into a stunning bedroom with a mosaic of richly coloured traditional tiles on the wall and a superb marble bathroom.

‘Someone will come in every day to look after us,’ Raif revealed, stilling behind her to tug her back into his arms. ‘I know you would cook but you’re not supposed to on your honeymoon.’

‘Is that so, Your Royal Highness?’ she teased, wriggling back into much-needed contact with his long, lean, powerful body, her own nerve endings flaring at that necessary physical connection. The sudden pinching of her nipples and the stirring pulse of need between her thighs were already becoming familiar to her.

‘Yes, that is so,’ he breathed raggedly as he backed down on the bed and flipped her to face him, large hands framing her cheeks as he tasted her lush mouth with raw, driving urgency.

‘I can’t wait to be inside you again,’ he groaned, dazzling dark golden eyes locked to her pink face. ‘I want you all the time. Every time I look at you, I end up wanting you again.’

Her reddened lips curved into a playful grin. ‘So, we didn’t burn ourselves out last night, after all...’

‘I can’t believe I’ll ever burn out on you,’ Raif forecast.

‘You’re not allowed to wear a suit the whole time we’re here,’ Claire warned him bossily. ‘You’re here torelax.’

‘I’m not good at relaxing.’

‘But I am,’ she told him brightly, unknotting his tie, embarking on his shirt buttons.

Raif took the hint with alacrity, standing up to peel off his clothing at speed.

Claire kicked off her shoes and removed her jacket to sit on the bed as if she were overseeing a strip show. ‘Yes...yes...yes!’ she told him irrepressibly, delighted by the slivers of bronzed muscular torso and hair-roughened thighs being bared.

Raif rolled his eyes. ‘You’re objectifying me,’ he complained.

Claire tossed her head, rumpled blonde tresses flying back to expose her smile. ‘But I think youlikebeing appreciated by me.’

Faint colour accentuated the sculpted slant of his high cheekbones. ‘You are right,’ he conceded, sliding down the zip on her dress, burying his mouth in the sensitive skin between her neck and her shoulder and laughing as she gasped at the sensation.

His hands cupped her breasts as her bra fell away, catching each nipple between finger and thumb to tug at the sensitive buds. And then he was turning her over again, addressing his attention to the rest of her with glorious attention to every responsive part of her. She was wet and ready for him, arching as he drove into her with a helpless cry of delight. And the tension buzzing through her entire body reached a swift and breathless height in a hail of sensual excitement and the sweet convulsions sent her straight to sleep afterwards.

Raif shook her gently awake in the dusk light filtering through the light drapes at the window. ‘Dinner will be ready for us in thirty minutes.’

‘My goodness, how long have I been asleep?’ Claire exclaimed, sitting up in a rush.

‘Obviously you needed the rest and perhaps I should be a little more careful about overtiring you,’ he murmured worriedly.

‘No, I’m not listening to talk of that kind on our honeymoon!’ Claire covered her ears with expressive hands in emphasis. ‘Were you not in the same meeting we had with the obstetrician? It’snormalfor me to be more tired. It’s all right for me to sleep more.’

‘Got it,’ Raif groaned, vaulting upright.

‘I’m sorry. I’m just a little...touchy about being pregnant...sometimes,’ she mumbled, sliding out of the bed double quick to head for the bathroom because she knew that she was only sensitive about that subject because he had married her purely because she had conceived.