“Did something happen?”

“You could say that. He killed another inmate and took me with him since I witnessed the whole thing. Well, I thought that was why. Turns out he really took me because he had already decided that I was his and he didn’t want to leave me behind.”

I thought through what she had shared and looked back over at her. “What does it say about me that I think that’s the sweetest thing ever?”

Ayden burst out laughing and I couldn’t help but join in. The tension that had taken over my body knowing we were in danger again, slowly loosened its grip and I felt like I could breathe.

“I think it says that we are both completely fucked, or some of the luckiest women on the face of this earth.”

“Have you met Valentina?”

“No, but I met two of her husbands. They seem to think we would get along well.”

“You would. She told me one night that men like ours are terrifying at best, but to be loved by them was otherworldly. I guess that kind of stuck with me because it’s true. I’ve never been as happy as I am with Leo.”

“I feel the same way about Noah. I heard we are all having dinner on Saturday.”

“I guess, if we survive this. I heard you hadn’t met Mrs. Rand yet, either?”

“No. And I’m so embarrassed I called her freaking out like that. Noah has a tendency to just disappear on me. He’s working on it, but he still sucks at it. Honestly, I haven’t met anyone. We’ve just been here since we came to Whitefalls Mountain, and other than heading into town to pick up things we need, we haven’t done much.”

“It’s kind of easy to lose reality up here.” I looked down at my hands as the guilt of sitting and making small talk while Leo and Noah risked their lives for me set in. A tear fell down my face before I could stop it and I reached up quickly to wipe it away. “I’m sorry.”

“There is nothing to apologize about. I understand how hard this is. I hate sitting and waiting more than anything and when Noah has a job, that’s all I do. At least this time I know he’s close to home, and I believed him when he said this wouldn’t take long.”

Killing the Killers


Huntinghumansisn’tsomethingI take lightly. However, when it comes to protecting Talia, I could give a shit who the hell these guys were. Meanwhile, Noah was running around like a kid in a candy shop with an unlimited budget. We made our way back to my cabin on foot through the thick of the trees. The two assholes were staring into my windows and wandering around like they owned the place. I always find it interesting how confident people are when they think no one is watching.

I turned to Noah, “We could just take them out from here.”

“Yeah, but what’s the fun in that?”

“It may not be fun, but at least it will be over.”

“It’s time to send a message.”

“To who? Miles is dead.”

“Ding the fuck dong, deadman!” He yelled as he stepped from behind a tree with his gun aimed at the guy closest to us.

He really was a fucking dick. “I asked what the plan was, not to speed it up,” I growled out as I stepped alongside him, aiming my gun at the other.

“Oh hey, yeah, we are lost. Maybe you can give us some directions.”

“Nice try, fuckface.”

“Listen man, we don’t want any problems,” the other guy said as he reached around his back. I let off a quick shot and hit him straight in the shoulder as he cursed and reached for the new hole I left him with.

“What was that?” Noah said, turning to me in disbelief.

“A warning shot.”

“Since when do we give warning shots?”

“Since now.”