Leo nodded and reached for my hands, pulling them into my lap. “When do you want to do all this?”
“Is now too soon?”
Leo let out a laugh. “Yes. Let’s try breakfast first. I will get everything ready for tonight, though. When we are done, what do you want to do?”
“What do you mean?”
“Aftercare is part of this whole thing. Do you want to just cuddle in bed, a bath?”
“Maybe you could just hold me. I don’t know how I will feel after, but whatever we do, I want you to stay with me. Don’t leave me alone.”
Leo reached for me and pulled me into his lap. “I would never leave you, my Little Bird.”
My anxiety was slowly creeping in as the day went on and I was trying my best to hide it from Leo, but he could tell, so we talked. We ran through the scene and scenario multiple times. He asked me to write it all down and he committed it to memory. Other than that, we didn’t do much of anything. We laid around, watched TV and ate, but by the time dinner rolled around, I could barely get anything down.
“If you changed your mind, that’s okay. We can do this whenever you are ready.”
We stood in front of our bedroom. Leo had been in there for about an hour getting ready and had just come to get me. The door was closed, and I knew the second we walked inside, everything would change. I was worried, but not scared. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me and I knew I could stop everything if I needed to, which is what made me want to keep moving forward with everything.
“I’m ready. I want to do this.”
“Remember the second you say red, everything stops, okay?”
“I know.”
I reached for his face and he lowered his head so I could cup his cheeks in my hands. “I know you are nervous, but I promise you I am ready for this. More than ready. I’m even looking forward to it.”
I winked and gave him a quick kiss before pulling back and reaching for his hand.
He reached for the door and we stepped through. The comfort of our space immediately calmed me as I looked around. Leo had the lights dimmed and a few candles flickered in the corners of the room. I could smell lavender and noticed a small diffuser on the dresser that hadn’t been there before. When my gaze reached our bed, I saw where he had attached what looked like shackles to the rings on the headboard.
“You did construction work?”
“A little. I figured if this goes well, we may get use out of them again. Come here. I want you to feel them before we start.”
Leo led me to the bed and I sat down, reaching for the soft black leather cuffs that were attached with short chain link metal to the bed. “They are softer than I would have expected.”
“There are a few different kinds, but this is what I envisioned when I thought of you tied to our bed.”
“I think I’m ready.”
Leo nodded and pulled me to my feet. “From this point on, you will address me as ‘sir’. You will follow my instructions completely and the only time things will stop will be if you use your safe word. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Take your clothes off. Fold them and place them on the dresser.”
“Little Bird.” His voice traveled to mine in a warning.
“I’m sorry, sir.”
“Very good. Now do as you were told.”
I moved through the room slowly, as his eyes never left me. Never in my life would I have considered undressing in front of a man as something that could turn me on, but the way Leo looked at me as if he wanted to consume me made fire run through my veins. I pulled my top over my head, revealing my breasts. Leo let out an approving growl from where he stood and I smiled to myself as I stripped away the rest of my clothes. When I was done, I turned to him and waited for my next set of instructions.
“Come to me.”