“It doesn’t matter. Even if she does, there is nothing she can do about it.”

I let up on my hold of her and slid two fingers deep into her core. Her juices were seeping out of her. Her thighs were damp, as was the wooden chair she sat on. Talia rocked her hips forward, trying to fuck herself on my hand, but all I did was pull away. My fingers were glistening with her juices when I reached for a piece of bread from the basket and broke it in two. She watched as I stuffed a piece in my mouth, sucking on my fingers, ensuring I didn’t waste a drip of her sweet honey.

“Eat,” I said, pointing to her plate.

Talia’s body shivered, and I was sure she hated me at that moment. I loved everything about edging. The physical response of my Little Bird was expected, but the game of mental fuckery that went along with it was what I really enjoyed. Talia had a long way to go on a path to healing, but this thing between us only seemed stronger each time we touched. I needed her like a wild animal needed to hunt and I hoped to hell she felt the same way about me.

“Tell me about BDSM,” she asked as she lifted her fork to her mouth.

“What do you want to know about it?”

“You told me about limits the other night. What is it all about? I’ve only read Cosmo articles and seen movies with stuff like that in it. I doubt that’s the complete story.”

“It’s not. People pull only what they want from the world and if it’s the truth, great, if not, many don’t seem to care.”

“How did you get into it?”

“When I was in college, I attended some private parties. Noah and I were both trying to find our way back then. I studied about it after and he decided he was just going to experiment his way through it all. When we met Beckett and learned about The Pendulum, it was a simple decision. We immediately became members.”

“Wait, so you’ve been there?”


“Can you take me?”

I smiled over at her and nodded to her plate, encouraging her to take another bite. “If you want to. Once I’ve dealt with Carter, then I will take you.”

“Wait, are there other women there that you’ve… ya know?”

“Say the words, Talia.”

“That you’ve slept with?”

“I’ve never slept with another woman. Only you.”

“That’s not true.”

“It is, but sleeping isn’t what you were asking me about, was it?”

I watched as her cheeks turned an adorable shade of pink. “Are there other women there that you have had sex with?”

“Having sex and playing out a scene are two different things for many people. I am a dominant and yes, there are women and men at the club that I have played out scenes with before. But I haven’t fucked anyone from The Pendulum.”

“I don’t think I understand.”

“A scene is a planned experience for the people involved. I have been asked to take part in quite a few over the years. I like things like impact and breath play, but I am also trained in shibari.”

“What is that?”


“As in, you tie people up?”

“Yes. It’s a delicate art and there are only a handful at The Pendulum who do it. Some perform, but I chose not to. I like floor work compared to rigging someone up and I’ve done it with plenty of partners. It’s not sexual for me, more of an adrenaline rush over how much they trust me completely. However, if I ever practiced with you, I imagine it would feel different.”


“Because everything about you is sexual to me. The thought of my ropes around your naked chest as I suck on your hardened nipples, or one of my ropes run right here between your folds and pressing on your clit makes me feel very differently than tying someone who is only a friend.”