“Not what I would have chosen for you, but I guess that works for tonight.” Miles walked up behind me and lifted the skirt of the dress. His hand grasped the side of my panties and he yanked them from my body before throwing them to the floor.

“None of that anymore. I want access to you when I need you.”

The tears in my eyes threatened to spill over as I reminded myself my only goal in that moment was to live through tonight. I could deal with the emotional fallout of the trauma when I was finally free from this place.

“Go get into bed. I’ll be there in a minute.”

I crawled into bed and laid on my side facing the wall, praying that Miles would drop dead of a heart attack before he got to me. I heard him on the phone briefly but couldn’t be bothered to listen to what he was saying. It didn’t matter, nothing mattered anymore.

His approach was loud and clumsy. He had drunk all night at the party and his normally put together self was failing on multiple levels.

“Turn over.”

“I’m exhausted, Miles. I’d just like to go to sleep.”

“You aren’t here to sleep. Now do something about this before I pull that candlestick back out and shove it up you so hard you bleed again.” I looked over at him to see his pants undone and him staring down at me.

“Miles, please… I just need tonight to get settled in.” My voice shook as I begged. He reached for my hand and tried to pull me to him. I pulled away and jumped out of bed. “Leave me alone.”

I tried to run toward the bathroom. My only thought of escape was to hide in there. I knew Leo would be outside, but so were the two guards and I needed to figure out how to survive in here on my own. If this was what my life would look like now, then I needed to set some boundaries with my future husband. I didn’t make it as far as I would’ve liked. Miles launched himself at me as I went to run by him, and I fell forward as he caught me. The tears were inevitable now. I could barely breathe as terror rushed through my veins.

“You stupid slut! I told you from the beginning what your purpose is here. You are here for me to fuck and you to listen!”

He held me from behind and the contrast of emotions between what I felt when Leo held me the same way and what I felt now gave me the confidence I needed to fight. I kicked at him as his hold tightened around me.

“Let me go! You can’t make me do this.”

“I can make you do anything I want. I own you bitch.”

Miles got the upper hand as I struggled to get free. When he bent me over the side of the bed and pulled at the nightgown I was wearing, I screamed. I screamed louder than I ever had before. My hands gripped the bedding, and I closed my eyes as I yelled for Leo and prepared myself for what was to come.

Worst Fear


Ididn’twanttoleave Talia, but Noah had called my phone three times in a row and it wasn’t like I could talk to him in front of the two assholes guarding Carter’s door. The conversation was quick. He would be done with his job soon and wanted to know when I’d be back in town. I headed back towards Carter’s room and I was just around the corner when I heard her blood-curdling screams. My heart dropped. Without thinking, I reached for my gun and let out two quick shots in between the eyes of both his guards. They were the only two left that weren’t on my payroll and I didn’t have time to play any longer.

Getting through the door wasn’t difficult. The asshole didn’t even have it locked, since he probably thought he was safe with his two lap dogs out front. I walked in with my gun raised and nearly died at what I saw. He held my sweet Talia down on the bed and was seconds away from sticking his disgusting dick inside of her.

“Back off, Carter.”

He turned his head to me but didn’t move his body. “Here to watch Leo?”

I let off a shot into his left arm and he finally moved, yelling in pain as his hand came over the wound. Blood seeped out between his fingers as he looked at me in a state of utter confusion.

“You shot me.”

“You’re not as dumb as you look.”

“Why the hell did you shoot me?”

“Talia’s done here. Consider this her notice. You don’t get to own women, Carter.”

“Angelo, Miguel!” he called out to his guards.

