I sat up and curled my lip.

I knew what waited for me outside that door.

Fiona. Painting. Listening to music.

Living what she thought was her current best moments in life.

I had no problem with it. To a point.

The music though?

That I could do without for sure.

That whiney pop sound made me want to rip my own ears off.

I threw the covers off my naked body and looked for my clothes on the floor.

I couldn’t find a damn thing of mine, so I grabbed fresh jeans from a drawer and a t-shirt with a fadedApple Catslogo on it.

As predicted, the second I walked out of the bedroom, there was Fiona.

Sitting on a stool.

One foot on the floor. One foot up on a rung of the stool.

Her hair up top on her head in a messy bun.

Wearing a gray shirt with a wide neck.

So wide that her left shoulder was slightly exposed.

Wearing these little shorts that probably were smaller and much tighter than men’s boxers.

I took a second to enjoy the sight.

Whatever she was to me, she was beautiful.

Both dressed and naked.

Nothing else seemed to matter but that.

Fiona looked at me and smiled.

She reached down, lifted a glass and nodded.

“A little early?” I asked.

“Riff. It’s almost noon.”

“What?” I asked.

I darted back into the bedroom to get my phone.

Sure enough, it was almost noon.

I must have slept damn hard.

And damn good.