“She’s not with me. She’s not with you. Then where…”

Remi’s eyes grew wide.

He curled his lip and stomped toward me.

For a second I thought he wanted to fight again.

He just wanted to get to the door.

I was even nice enough to open it for him.

As he walked out, he paused and looked back at me.

“Are you going to follow?”

“Damn right I am,” I said. “She’s missing. I want to find her too. You don’t want to hear it, but I love her. I’m in love with your sister.”

“Say that again and I will break your jaw.”

“Doubt that,” I said. “But let’s go on a road trip together.”

“You are not getting into my truck,” Remi said.

“I’m driving. I know where to go.”

“So do I,” Remi said. “The art gallery. That’s where she is. With that lady.”


“Yeah. Sure.”

“You know painting makes her happy. Drawing. Sketching. Being in that gallery. She’s happy.”

Remi curled his lip again. “Don’t start with me.”

The two of us began to run down the hallway from my condo.

We pushed and wrestled to get into the elevators.

Silence on the ride down.

The doors opened and we both jumped out at the same time.

There wasn’t enough room for our athletic frames.

More pushing and shoving.

Remi ran for his truck.

I ran for my car.

The two of us breaking more traffic laws than I cared to ever admit.

Driving like complete idiots.

I took a shortcut to beat Remi to the gallery.

He must have had the same idea as me.