I pumped my legs, went around the net, collected the puck, and moved around faster than I ever moved before in my life.

I slapped the puck into the net before the goalie knew I was there.

I spun around three times like an Olympic figure skater.

I dropped to one knee from being dizzy and from cheering.

Three goals! An away game hat trick!

Nobody threw their hats on the ice for me.

I was only showered with boos.

The guys all cheered for me, but I again only thought of one thing.


Wondering if this goal had her taking her bra or panties off…

When the hornblared and the game was over, nothing mattered.

The game ended four-one, with me scoring the fourth goal too.

Four goals. One game.

That’s… pants. Shirt. Panties. And bra.

That meant Fiona should have been naked in my hotel room waiting for me.

Picturing that was almost too much for me to take a shower comfortably.

Not to mention in the locker room the celebration by the guys.

Lay throwing water and sugary sports drinks through the air as though we had just won it all.

Abel made me stand on a chair so everyone could clap for me.

Everyone did.

Except Remi.

He sat down and unlaced his skates.

What a prick.

Mags gave me a shoutout.

So did Coach.

Of course I got put at the table for the postgame press conference.

I sat there and took cliché question after question.

One that I did enjoy though?

What was your motivation for that kind of game?

My motivation…