“Why? Wanted to finish the job and kill her?”

I gasped.

Fuck you, Remi. You asshole.

“I didn’t mean…” Riff took a deep breath.

“Ready to settle this?” Remi asked.

Riff nodded.

He showed Remi his empty hands and put them down to his sides.

I wasn’t sure what that meant.

Not even a second later, my brother lunged forward and punched Riff in the jaw.

Riff’s entire body spun around.

He hunched forward, grabbing for his face.

Remi kicked the back of Riff’s right knee. Then he punched down onto Riff’s right side.

Riff dropped to one knee.

Remi moved to Riff’s right side and kicked.

My bottom lip quivered even harder.

I blinked fast to knock the tears out of my eyes.

Riff was on the ground.

Remi kicked him again. And again.

And one more time.

Riff then rolled to his back.

It seemed so unfair.

Riff had been in the accident too.

He had gotten hurt too!

Riff wiped his face and raised his right hand.

My brother grabbed it and helped him to his feet.

The two stared at each other and they both nodded at the same time.

That’s when Riff threw a punch at Remi.

Boys are fucking idiots! What is the purpose of this?

And there was nothing I could do about it either.

Other than watch.