“Did you stay in there all night?”

‘For a few hours.’

“Did he say anything?”

‘About killing you?’Dyna sneezed.‘No. He talked about how lonely he was, how hurt he was that you refused breakfast.’

My shoulders sank. Then I narrowed my eyes on her. “You made that up.”

Dyna hissed.‘You are an ass.’

She was offended now. After she bounded away, I stared out the window again. Yesterday, when Cale had broken the table apart, I’d been up in my tower. I’d heard Edgar yelling and saw him running toward Cale. I thought something had happened, but when I’d gone down there, I was surprised to see he’d destroyed his own masterpiece.

It intrigued me, but it also upset me, because I felt like it had been my fault. Going back to his room with him and taking care of his hands had been my way of telling him sorry for getting angry over the table in the first place, for being so harsh to him before when he’d tried to help me when I was wounded.

I was ready to go back to ignoring him, but then he invited me to breakfast, and seeing the look on his face when I refused dented me. Now Natalie was trying to cozy up to him? And this made me jealous?

I’ll take him supper to make up for refusing breakfast.But nothing more.

That evening, I made my way to the kitchen early. Mary and Natalie lingered inside, preparing a meal. I always lingered outside first to make sure they weren’t talking about me before showing myself. On this night, however, it was all about Cale.

“He’s very lean,” Natalie told Mary. “I got warm just looking at him.”

“Nat, I don’t want to hear it.” Mary scolded her. “He’s trying to win Lord Gil over, not you.”

“Oh, please. He’ll never get anywhere with him. Might as well make the best of my time here while I can. It’s not like it’ll be changing anytime soon. And as a bonus? He’s handsome.”

“And what would Eugenia say?”

“I don’t care. She knows I’ll bed whoever I want.”

“Except for Lord Gil, that is.”

“Oh, shut up.”

After a few minutes of silence, I made my way inside.

Mary and Natalie froze upon seeing me, but I paid them no attention.

“Well, there’s a sight for sore eyes,” Natalie muttered.

I ladled out soup from the pot on the stove into two bowls then grabbed what was left of the bread and cheese. Looking over, I asked, “Where’s Royce?”

“Went to get more wood for the stove.” Natalie pinned me with her sharp expression, her red hair braided across her shoulder. “Are you eating extra tonight?”

“For Cale,” I told her, and left the room.

“Maybe leave him to us?” she called.

I ignored her, making my way up the stairs past Annie, who glanced curiously at me, and down the hall to Cale’s room. When I got to his door, I balanced the tray on one arm and knocked.

A few seconds later, Cale opened it, looking tired. His hair was a mess, his eyes sleepy.

“Gil?” he started.

“I brought you supper.” I raised my brows. “Can I come in?”

“Yes.” He opened the door, and I set the tray on the small table. “Are you eating with me?”