“Yes?” I asked.

“It’s me, Gil,” came the voice.

I swallowed hard, saying nothing at first. All the thoughts about what he could become flooded into my mind again.


“Y-yes, you can come in,” I finally said, my voice hoarse.

The door opened, and Gil came in looking much cleaner than he had the last time he’d come back from his hunt. Even his beard looked trimmed and his hair combed. He furrowed his brows as he approached the bed. He stood beside it and looked down at me.

“Mary told me you were unwell.”

“It’s nothing,” I said softly. “Just a cold.”

“I see she brought you soup.”

“Yes, that was nice of her.”

When he sat on the bed, I tensed and shifted slightly.

“Anything else I can do?” he asked.

I loosened up at that. Despite what Mary had told me about him, when I looked into his eyes, I saw genuine concern, and that alone made me feel better. “I’m fine, thank you.”

“Have you read any more of the book?”

“Not today. My head’s been hurting. I’m finding it hard to fall asleep.”

“I can . . . stay in here with you for a while?”

“No, it’s all right. Really. I’m sure I’ll be able to rest.”

He nodded at Dyna and petted her coat. “I see she’s found her way here again.”

“She’s kept me company.” I smiled, smoothing my hand over her back.

His hand bumped against mine, and I drew away quickly. “You’re very cold.”

Gil smiled crookedly. “Winter air. Before long, we’ll have snow.”

“I’ve already felt the chill in here.”

Our eyes met, and Gil gazed at me in a way he hadn’t before, in a way that made me suddenly unsure. I looked away, my face growing warm. This was what I had wanted all along, to try and love Gil and get him to love me back so that the curse would break. But the idea of him turning into a monster was clouding my thoughts.

“I’m very tired,” I said, sniffing.

“I’ll let you rest, then. Good night, Cale.” He rose from the bed, and Dyna followed him out.

I glanced at the door, my hands sweaty now. Gil hadn’t hurt me so far, not as long as I knew him. But if I said or did the wrong thing again, like with the table? Then what? How long before he changed into the monster Mary said he’d become and hurt me? I pulled the covers up to my face and closed my eyes, willing the thoughts away.

“Whatdidhesay?”I asked Dyna.

‘You really are nosy, and it is not polite.’

“I want to know why he seemed so tense. He was fine before I left, and now he’s acting differently.”

‘Cale is too kind to gossip about.’