I look around her, and see a couple of people I know strolling by. I can’t have this conversation here. I’ve been to this restaurant many times before, and know there’s an office at the end of the hall.

“Come with me,” I say, and nudge her to the office, hoping I can convince the manager to give me the space for a few minutes. To my luck, the door is half open, and I impulsively pull her inside and close it behind her.

She lifts an eyebrow, leaning against the desk. Several awards decorate the walls, and folders stack the shelves. The area is small, efficient and good enough for conversation.

“I should be the one asking what’s going on,” she says.

I stretch to my full height, weighing my options. I could small talk, but there’s no time for it. I don’t want Charles to notice we’re both gone at the same time, or for the manager or whoever works in this office to come back. We need to get things straight quickly. “Who is that guy you brought?”

A ghost of a smile dances on her lips. “That’s not a very professional question, is it?”

Desire moves through me, awakening all my senses. I take a couple of steps toward her, my heart beating louder each time. My shoulders are tight, my cock already hardening in my pants. “Is that why you brought him here? To get the best of me?”

“Who cares? One moment you push me away, then you pull me aside to ask why I have a date.”

Date. The word stings. “I, hmmm, was worried because your dad told me he’d introduce his girlfriend to you today. I thought maybe you brought some… company for support,” I say.

She steps forward until she’s so close I catch a whiff of her lovely scent. “And what if I did?” she asks in an innocent voice.

We’re so close now that it’s hard to breathe. If I exhale loudly, I’ll make the tips of her hair move. That’s how close we are. “I wanted to make sure you’re okay,” I say evenly.

She shrugs. “I am. I don’t care who my dad dates,” she says, and I wait a moment or two to register her words, and there is no hint of bitterness in her tone. I look at her, and she stares at me like she has nothing to hide.

I swallow. “Not even if she’s that young?”

“That’s a prejudice I don’t have. If he’s having a good time and not hurting anyone, who am I to meddle? I lost my mom too soon. We need to make the most of life while we’re here.”

“You’re right,” I say, and wonder if she’s using this as a way to sell herself to me. Fuck, why do I have to be so cynical? This woman is wise beyond her years, beyond smart, and warm. For some reason she chose me, if not now, before. Once. She gave me a chance, but I passed.

“Are you okay?” she asked, and shoots me a glance of concern.

“I don’t think so,” I say.

“Want to talk about it?”

“Talking about it will only make it worse.”No thank you. I’m already fighting the voices in my head. I don’t need her common sense right now, especially when every part of me that denied her is vanished and now throbs with craving for her.

“What will make it better?” she asks, her sexy low voice sending shivers down my spine.

“This,” I say, and pull her to me, lowering my lips to hers.

Fuck common sense.

It’s time I listened to my heart for once.



It’slike the world beneath my high heels was swept off from under me.

Maddox is surrounding me, claiming me, and I’ve slipped into his bubble of heat and glow. His tongue quickly makes it past my lips, and I grant him access, reveling in the sexy growl he produces. My nipples are rock hard, and a warm stir spreads through me, my blood rushing hot and thick in my veins.

I encircle his head with my arms, loving this intimacy, this nearness.

When he puts a leg in between mine, through the thin layer of my dress and the fabric of his pants, I feel his large cock, pulsating even. That only intensifies my own desire, and the second he slides his hand down my back and cups my ass, I tremble. I’ve never been this aroused in my entire life, and I know I could explode at any moment, under the slightest of touches, but I also don’t want to. I’m enjoying these exhilarating sensations too much to give them up.

My pussy is soaking wet, and I’m afraid it’ll leave a stain on my dress. I’m not wearing underwear, as it would show due to the silkiness of the fabric. He lowers his hand and hikes the hem of my dress, bunching it at my waist. Goose bumps stand on my arms at the cool exposure of the air.