“I don’t know… she may be mad at me for interfering in her love life,” Charles says, interrupting my thoughts.

“I interfered too, in my own way,” I say, and the regret drips from my voice.

I told a smart, independent woman I knew what was best for us—and deep down, I was being selfish. She saw right through me, right through my fear. She was right. I was a coward.

Charles gets up and shrugs. “I told her I was sorry. Maybe if you do the same thing, she’ll forgive you,” he says, then turns around and leaves my office.

I scratch my chin, pondering. Ideas jump in my head, elevating my pulse. I need to do something bigger than simply apologizing her to forgive me, and I know just what that is.



“What is it?”I whisper into my pillow.

The doorbell ring continues. Ever since Dad found out about me and Maddox, he’s been trying way too hard to parent.

I have to tell him to stop with these visits. He can text like a normal person, or call like a boomer. But, unannounced visits? Those are too much.

I haven’t felt like seeing anyone, anyway. Ever since Maddox broke up with me, I’ve been holing up in my home whenever I get a chance. It’s like his exit from my life turned off a light inside of me, one I’m not sure when will flick on again. I miss him so much.

I rush to the bathroom, brush my teeth then splash some water on my face. The doorbell rings again, but I take my time putting my hair in a ponytail. What could be so important?

Dad has already apologized for butting in my business and twisting Maddox’s arm to break up with me. While I still think that was a mistake, it was one I understood. He wanted what he thought was best for me. Fine, I get it.

What I don’t get is how long it’ll be until Maddox realizes that breaking up with me was his mistake, too. It’s too easy to blame on Dad. Especially when he’s a grown ass man. A grown ass man I can’t help but love, even if I’m still mad at him.

I sigh.

I smooth my hand over my short and shirt pajamas, and exit my bedroom, cross the hallway and living area, and reach the front door.

Hopefully this time Dad will have something new to talk about, and not the same old thing.

I open the door, to find a new person on the other end… Maddox.

My heart races.

Why is he here?

He’s standing looking hot as always, wearing a suit without a tie—and carrying a small rectangular box. I glance at it quickly, and don’t recognize any jewelry brand. Instead, it looks like a man’s designer wear brand. “Can I come in?”

“Sure,” I say, before thinking it over, and step back so he can enter.

Maybe he wants my opinion on something or is running errands. Still, that’d be a pretty crappy reason to stop by. Not to mention insensitive. Was he really so different than what I thought? A twinge of sadness twists in my chest.

“What’s up?” I ask when I see him standing in my living room.

I cross my arms over my chest. Damn, bastard or not, he’s fucking handsome.

“I talked to your dad today.”

“Okay,” I say, and touch the back of my neck, alleviating for some kinks. I’ve been wondering if Dad would meddle in my personal affairs one more time or not. Though in this case, if he mentioned anything to Maddox, I’m not really sure if it’d be frowned upon meddling. Does it count when it’s to my advantage?

“How are you doing, Whitney?” he asks in that deep sexy baritone. The one that sends thrills down my spine.

“Look, if you came to check on me and play nice, don’t bother. I’m fine,” I say, hating how defensive I sound.

He places his box on the coffee table. “Good. It’s good to hear it. Because I haven’t been fine. Ever since I ended it with you.” He steps forward, but I lift my hand as a silent gesture for him not to come any closer. I need space to be able to think straight. His words reverberate through me, and my stomach flutters with hope.