“There you are,” my dad says, walking up to us, bursting that bubble.

I withdraw as if I’ve been burned.

“Hey, Dad,” I say in an extra chipper voice. “What’s up?”

“Can we all meet at the conference room for a quick meeting? I have some news to share.”

I have some too, I say inwardly.I slept with your best friend and can’t wait to do it again.

A twinge of guilt twists at my heart, like the sharp end of a new blade. My dad doesn’t deserve to be hurt in all this, but would his hurt last? Besides the immediate surprise, would he really put up a long lasting fight against our relationship? I doubt it.

Dad isn’t the typical father.

He tends to be more open minded than most. Growing up, I always kept a channel of communication open with him. I confided in him about tiffs with friends, dates gone wrong, and when things started to happen for me as a digital influencer, he was my biggest cheerleader. He encouraged me and my dreams.

The thoughts keep me busy as the three of us walk through the hallways then take the elevator to the conference room. We exit the elevator, and I tune out whatever Dad and Maddox are discussing.

Is a relationship out in the open between me and Maddox a possibility?

We haven’t talked about it. I fantasized about him for so long, that just being able to be with him is a dream come true. What if there can be more? Would he even be interested? Excitement flutters in my stomach.

“This way,” my father says, nudging my elbow, and we enter the large conference room, with a long polished table in the center, and a nice view of downtown Dallas in the back. We all take a seat, and my father goes through some ideas he’s implementing to increase hotel occupancy rate. He’s been working with his team specifically on that, and even though that’s not my forte, he wants me to be a part of this meeting for a second opinion.

My hear shrinks a little.Because he trusts me. He respects my opinion—will that change when he finds out the truth? Or will he blame Maddox, for being the more mature one in the relationship? A nauseating sensation crosses my stomach. I don’t want to create a rift between them.

Sad thing is… I can’t stop seeing Maddox. I’m selfish. The worst daughter ever.

“What do you think?” my father asks, bringing me back to reality.

“You have some great ideas, Dad,” I say.

“Like father, like daughter,” Maddox says at the other side of the table. If the situation is making him uncomfortable, he’s a pro at faking it. He’s sitting there with an easy expression, shoulders relaxed.

“Just call us the dream team,” Dad says, then fist bumps me. “Do people still use that expression these days?” he asks me, a trace of concern crossing his expression, like suddenly he realized he’s dating himself.

I chuckle. “Dad, stick to what you’re good at.”

“I need to know what’s going on, you know—now I’m dating someone younger, I don’t want to sound obsolete.”

“Great, and the first step will be not using the word obsolete,” I say.

He smiles. “Good call. Maddox, maybe we can go on a double date sometime,” he says looking at Maddox.

Maddox sits upright, and the slightest flicker of discomfort touches his eyes. “Double date?” he says, and he immediately looks at me.

My cheeks are warm, and a huge lump lodges in my throat. What’s going on?

“Yes,” my father says. “Me, you, Harper and I don’t know… who are you seeing these days?”

Who is he seeing? Hmm. I glance at the wall, wishing I could extract myself from this conversation.

“No one,” he says without looking at me.

No one. The word sends a fire to my heart, but not a good one. It’s an intense, sad feeling that deflates every part of me. Of course I can’t expect him to yell,yes, I’ve been seeing your daughter.But it’d be nice if he mentioned he’s seeing someone and just said she’s busy or whatever. Especially while I’m in the room. I’d like to feel more… seen.

I glance down at my hands, refusing to let him see the disappointment in my eyes. Also, a good strategy so my father won’t think my reaction is strange.

“Maybe Harper has a friend she can bring,” Dad says.