I didn’t run from the challenge. It’s too late for that now, anyway. When I kissed her, when I held her in my arms and touched her drenching hot pussy… I knew there wasn’t anything I wasn’t willing to do to pursue her. To make her mine.

This isn’t a feeling I welcome. Giving someone this immense amount of control over me, over my life, over my time, is terrifying. With her, though… there’s no other way. I like to think I made the decision myself, for my self-preservation to take a stand.

Which brings me here.

I cleared my scheduled for this—to be walking up to her in the entrance of Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens, holding a picnic basket that not only I bought, but I filled with some goodies from a high-end grocery store. I don’t even know when the last time was I stepped into a grocery shop—my housekeeper takes care of all these errands for me. Still, as I picked every item, a sensation of fulfillment and strange domesticity came over me.

“So this is what we’re doing,” she says as she erases the gap between us.

“Broad daylight, we’re both dressed for an innocent stroll,” I say, and kiss her cheek. The brief contact spikes my pulse. We may not be having sex straight away, but I show her that we will. At some point. She knows that too, obviously. “Even my strict pastor would approve of this date.”

She takes a step back and lifts her eyebrow at me. “You go to church?”

“No. But if I did, I’m sure the pastor would be on board.”

“No doubt.” She chuckles. “And you brought a basket.”

I shrug. “Something to keep my hands busy.”

“Smooth. C’mon,” she says, and cocks her head in the direction of a path that leads to beautiful vegetation, colorful flowers and a low but steady number of people milling around.

We walk through intricate paths, take selfies with bronze statues behind, and finally find a peaceful place on the grass to sit and enjoy the scenery, with the soothing sound of flowing area in a large water feature not too far from us.

“What did you bring?”

I open the basket and she licks her lips at the contents, which makes me in turn lick my lips but for a much different reason.

A few different types of European cheese, small cut berries and crackers fill the basket. We start eating, taking small bites, then I put some of the apricot preserve on the brie and feed it to her, placing it in her mouth.

“So good,” she says. “Is this place one of your go-tos when you want to impress a woman?”

I snort. “I haven’t had to impress anyone in a while.”

She playfully smacks my arm. “I bet. Should I feel flattered that you invited me on a date when you could have called an endless contact list on your phone?”

“You should feel flattered I rescheduled a very important meeting to be here. With lots of money involved,” I say, remembering the surprise look on my assistant’s face when I told her something urgent came up and I’d be taking the afternoon off.

“That is a turn on.” She pops a grape into her mouth. Christ. “You really want to hit my pussy, don’t you?” she says in a low voice, that sends my head in a spin.

I grab one strawberry and take it to her lips. When she bobs her head forward to take it, I retreat a bit. “Is that why you dangle it in front of me?”

She launches toward the strawberry and outsmarts me, fetching it before I have a chance to withdraw it farther. “She’s modestly concealed today, tucked away in a cotton underwear and jeans. No dangling whatsoever.”

I let out a strangled chuckle. The idea of a boring underwear on her doesn’t cool off my ardor. “I never thought this would be a conversation the two of us would share in this lifetime.”

“Well then, we don’t have that in common. Because sharing this with you has always been on my mind,” she says, a touch of sass in her voice.

Heat moves through me, and I have a hard time thinking straight. I need a second or two to clear my head.

What does she want? To send me to the height of arousal? Maybe she’s playing with me, in a twisted way to teach me a lesson for turning her down before. Maybe she’ll never fuck me. Right now, none of that matters. I am enjoying spending time with her, with the bantering. It’s light, it’s fun, and it reminds me of a part of me that was tucked away for a while. A part I didn’t know that existed any longer. “Cheers to that,” I say, and raise my small bottle of champagne.

She clinks hers to me. “Cheers.”

The most successful first date in the books.

Have I been this selfish and entitled that I haven’t really put much effort because hmmm, to be fair things just happen at a faster speed? I didn’t need to try, and by not doing so, I robbed not only the ladies of a good time, but myself. Did I act in a similar way in my marriage? “You know… this is fun. I haven’t played hooky for a while.”

“Or dated the same person since your divorce for a lengthy period of time.”