Page 92 of Sinner's Redemption

It wasn’t the best plan, but it was what I had to work with. I wasted no time calling Dad and telling him what was going on. I had planned on asking him to get Tessa, York and mom to safety, but he informed me that Tessa left with Kali and Kansas for the Gala.

A small wrinkle, but easily fixed.

After calling Kansas and giving him a heads up, I called my branded brothers, and we got to work doing what we did best. While we expected Petrovitch to show at the Gala, none of us thought he would open fire and create pandemonium.

Then again, I should have expected it.

My brothers and I only arrived moments before him. I had just entered the Gala when Pippen texted that Petrovitch had shown, armed for war with several men.

That was all the warning I needed.

That’s when my plan went to shit fast.

First, Malice took off, running into the crowd. Then bullets were flying. People screamed as they ran for cover. But not my woman. Fuck no. My stubborn woman refused to listen to me. Instead of running from the danger, my Tessa wanted to run towards it.

It took everything I had to get her the fuck out of that place.

All I wanted was to get her to safety.

I should have known it wasn’t going to be that easy because the second Ashe shouted ‘brace’, my worst nightmare came into fruition as the SUV we were in plowed through a barrier and into the Hudson River

The second the SUV hit the murky water I wasted no time unbuckling my belt.


When my brother didn’t respond, I turned around to find him hunched over, blood pouring out of his chest. Kali, his beautiful wife, lay in his lap with a nasty gash near her hairline.


When she didn’t respond, I looked around the SUV to find her lying on the floor of the vehicle as water slowly pooled over her. Grabbing her, I hauled her into my arms, quickly checking for a pulse. Finding one, I sighed. “I got you, baby. It’s going to be okay. I promise.”

“Ashe?” I yelled, praying the fucker was coherent.

When silence reigned, I cursed as I carefully laid Tessa on the seat and moved towards the unconscious man behind the wheel. Seeing a nasty goose egg, I closed my eyes and prayed.

I was only one man.

“God please. Don’t make me choose.”

Tessa moaned.

Turning to face her, I whispered, “Come on, baby. I need you to wake up. I’ve got a situation and I need your help. I can’t do this by myself. Please wake up.”

“My head hurts.”

“I know, baby. Open those eyes for me. Come on.”

“I’m wet,” she muttered, opening her eyes. A second later, she stiffened. “Are we sinking?”

“Yes, and we don’t have a lot of time.”

“Who’s hurt?”

I sighed, smiling.

That was my woman. I knew eventually her brilliant brain would kick in. Looking around the vehicle, I said, “They shot Kansas in the chest. Kali has a nasty gash, and Ashe is unconscious.”

“So, then we prioritize. The worst case goes first. That’s Kansas.”