Page 90 of Sinner's Redemption

“Not yours,” I slurred, as the young woman laughed. “Oh, I like this one.”

“Cupcake,” King growled.

“Oh, shut it, old man,” the woman snarked. “Everyone here is fucking stuffy as hell. This one is lively.”

“You have no idea,” Montana muttered.

“Montana,” a sultry beautiful blonde said, as she glided over, placing her hand around Montana’s shoulders. Narrowing my eyes, I growled when she leaned forward and planted a kiss near his lips.

Venom laughed loudly. “Oh yeah. Now it’s getting interesting.”

“Montana, when you have time, I need a moment.” The blonde bimbo said. I may be drunk, but I wasn’t stupid. I knew what that bitch wanted and if she thought she could sink her talons into my man, she had another thing coming. Grabbing Montana’s arm, I yanked him towards me. “He’s taken, bitch.”

“I beg your pardon,” the blonde smiled.

“Baby, it’s not what you think” Montana quickly said. Ignoring him, I started firmly, albeit drunkenly, “He’s mine. Go find another fuck buddy.”

“Told ya,” Venom said, slapping King’s chest laughing loudly.

“Baby,” Montana tried to reach for me. Slapping his hand away, I got up in the bimbo’s face. “Go away.”

“Oh shit,” I heard Kansas chuckle. “Is she really taking on Illyria Valentinetti?”

“Shut up, Kansas,” Montana growled. “This isn’t funny. Tessa’s had too much to drink. She doesn’t know what she’s saying.”

“Oh, I think she knows exactly what she is saying,” Venom laughed.

“Montana, he’s here,” Mercy shouted, as he ran over, looking towards the entrance as Kansas winked at me, trying to hide his smile.

“Shit,” Montana cursed. “Alright everyone. Party’s over. Illyria, I’d get out of here now, if I were you. Kansas, there are waiting SUVs out back. Get Kali and get the fuck out of here now. Everyone else meet back at the clubhouse. It’s going to be a miracle if we get out of here unscathed.”

Kansas didn’t have to be told twice. He snapped his fingers as my friendly bartender removed his apron and walked around the bar. “Lovely meeting you, Mrs. Stone, but my bartending days are now over. Let’s go, Prez,” Ashe said, as two other men walked over, ushering Kansas and Kali towards the back exit.

Grabbing my arm firmly, Montana quickly said, “Time to go, baby.”

I yanked it back. “I’m not going anywhere with you until we talk, asshole.”

“Oh fuck,” Malice cursed, which had all of us turning around to see what made him tense up.

The man was a devout Catholic.

He never cursed.

Before anyone could say anything, Malice took off, running into the crowd towards a beautiful woman dressed in all white. Her long black hair with silver tips flowed down her back in curls. She turned towards us, just as Malice reached her grabbing her around the waist, taking her to the floor, as pandemonium broke out when men dressed in all black opened fired.

Oh. My. God!

“Fuck!” Montana roared, grabbing me around the waist as he dragged me towards the exit. Men and women screamed as they scattered like cockroaches in all different directions. Bodies fell to the floor, while some took cover under the tables. But all I saw was the blood. So much blood. Party goers lay on the ground, not moving or begging for someone to help them as chaos reigned down.

My eyes spotted Malice, who was curled around the young woman protectively, firing at random, trying to get her to safety. I flinched when I saw him take a bullet to his shoulder. I screamed as the force of the bullet knocked him to the ground, taking the woman with him.

“Oh God. Malice! Montana, stop!” I shouted, trying to pull away from Montana. “He needs help!”

“He can take care of himself. We need to go!” Montana yelled, yanking me towards the exit.

“He’s hurt. They all are. I need to help them!”

Montana swung me around to face him. Grabbing my face, he quickly kissed me hard, stealing the very breath from my lungs. “You can’t save them, Tessa. Not this time. We need to leave. Now!”