Page 79 of Sinner's Redemption

I could feel her hostility shooting at me in waves.

She was rightfully and justifiably angry.

Not only did I accuse her of betraying me and the club, but a trusted friend broke in and attacked her. My woman was at her limit. I could see it clearly.

Proceeding with caution, I raised my hands. “Baby. I didn’t know.”

The next thing I knew, I was holding my nose.

“God damn it, Tessa!” I cursed, taking several steps back from her.

She was really angry.

I knew what she was capable of. Only it had been a hot minute since I’d been the receptacle of her fury.

Fuck, I forgot how wicked her punch was.

Finding a seat, I sat and tipped my head back to stem the flow of blood. “I fucked up, okay?”

“Get out.” She seethed.


“I said get out.”

Sitting up, I looked at the woman who was just waiting for the right moment to sever my dick from my body and narrowed my eyes. If she thought she could kick me out of my damn house, she had another thing coming. “This is my house, baby.”

“Not anymore. Get out.”

“I’m not leaving until we talk about this.”

She laughed manically. “That’s rich coming from you. Now you want to talk. Why? Have more insults and accusations you want to hurl at me? You haven’t called me a whore yet. Go ahead. Do your worst. You can’t hurt me anymore than you already have.”

I growled, “I said I made a mistake.”

“Mistakes indicate a lack of remorse. You’ve never felt remorse about anything, ever,” she stated furiously.

“Why didn’t you tell me that Barney had been visiting you?”

“Who I spend time with is none of your business. Just like I don’t ask you where you go and who you fuck when I’m not around. We are not married. You are not my father and you sure as hell don’t own me.”

I sneered. “That’s where you are wrong, baby. I do own you.”

“Fuck you!”

Someone cleared their voice, halting me from responding.

“Montana, go stay at the clubhouse before you say something you’ll never be able to take back,” a soft voice said from behind me. Turning, I spotted Kali and Kansas standing at the entrance of the living room. Kansas held a bag in his hand.

“Come on, brother. This won’t end well if you stay.”

Looking back at my angry woman, I knew Kansas was right.

So, I left.

Chapter Twenty-Four
