Page 71 of Sinner's Redemption

Kali snickered.

“Someone’s cranky,” Virginia winked, taking a seat.

“You’d be cranky too if you were two weeks overdue. This kid is never coming out.”

Holding my smile, I asked, “First baby?”

“How did you guess?”

“First time babies generally take their time.”

“Tessa is a doctor,” Kali chirped, texting something into her phone.

“Really,” Linsey smiled. “I’ll pay you whatever you want to get this kid out of me today.”

I laughed.

“Uh, Tessa,” Virginia cautioned. “I think Linsey is serious.”

“Damn right I am.”

“What happened to the sweet, shy woman I knew?” Virginia asked.

“She evaporated two weeks ago when this kid set up camp in my uterus.” Linsey snarked, then sighed, groaning. “I’m sorry though. I’m generally not this cranky. I don’t know how Vicious is still sane. I snap at him all the time. The girls are walking on eggshells around me. Even Elizabeth is cautious when she comes near me. Poor Fury has taken to bringing me ice cream, chocolates and flowers every time he comes over as a bribe. I just want my life back. I can’t even see my feet anymore. I have to pee all the time. My back constantly hurts and don’t even get me started on my boobs. I didn’t even know boobs could get this big.”

“I thought you said this was your first pregnancy?” I asked, confused.

“It is. I’m raising my three nieces and I’ve adopted Vicious’ daughter Elizabeth. All girls in my home. Poor Vicious is the odd man out. I’m hoping this baby is a boy. To even the playing field. But that isn’t going to happen if he doesn’t leave my stomach.”

“We’ve all been there, darling,” Virginia soothed. “Soon, none of this will matter once you hold your little bundle in your arms.”

“Virginia’s right,” I acknowledged. “When I was pregnant with York, the last month was the worst. I couldn’t get comfortable. Everything ached. I was constantly hungry. But then he was in my arms and all of that disappeared. All I cared about was the baby in my arms.”

“I have four myself from my previous marriage to a psycho asshole,” Kali added, rubbing her small stomach. “This little one is mine and Kansas first.”

I watched and listened as the women all talked about their children, pregnancies and general everyday lives. While I commiserated with them, I couldn’t stop thinking about Montana and what was being discussed in the boardroom. I wanted to know what was going to happen to Mr. Graves. He wasn’t as fickle and robust as he used to be.

I glanced over my shoulder at the door to the boardroom and wondered when they would finish. The longer they were in there, the more worried I became.

“Son of a biscuit eater,” Linsey grunted, getting my attention. “That’s my kidney, kid!”

Grinning, I got to my feet. Walking around the table, I stood behind Linsey. “Sit up for me,” I requested, watching as she did so. Placing one hand on her shoulder and with my other, I pressed my forefingers low on her back and started rubbing in small circles.

“Oh God,” Linsey moaned loudly. “Can I keep you?”

Laughing, I muttered. “Sometimes when a woman is close to giving birth, the pressure becomes too much, and every little kick can be painful. I can show Vicious how to do this. That way, when you are uncomfortable, he can help you relax.”

Linsey moaned as I continued to rub her back when her body went ramrod stiff. In the next instant, I heard the splash.

“Oh no,” she gasped.

“Oh yes,” I smiled, looking up. Spotting Silver, I wasted no time, and turned to Virginia before I calmly said, “Virginia, go get Vicious. Linsey’s gone into labor. We need to get her to the hospital.”

Virginia bolted from the table, running towards the boardroom. Kali got up and came to sit next to Linsey. “It’s going to be fine. It’s almost over, sweetie.”

“Silver,” I said, getting the bartender’s attention. “Can you get some towels please and call for an ambulance.”

“Oh, God!” Linsey groaned, hunching over. “Something’s wrong. I need to push!”