Page 62 of Sinner's Redemption

“Arizona, he’s hurt. We need to get him out of here.”

“What about Amy?”

“She’s dead. Leave the fucking bitch. Get Kansas and get the fuck out.”

Turning back around, I reached into my jeans for my pocketknife. Slipping it open, I cut Dakota’s seatbelt. Once free, Dakota turned to check on Kansas and Arizona, who was trying to get Kansas out of the seat.

“His foot is stuck!” Arizona shouted. “I can’t get to it. Amy’s in the way.”

“I’ll move the bitch!” I roared, grabbing her, then shoving her through the window. Seeing her body float to the top, I grabbed Dakota and said, “GO! I’ll get them out!”

“Ain’t leaving you Montana!”

“You have to. We’re running out of time. Go!” I shouted, pushing Dakota out the window. The cab was filling fast. We were running out of air. If I didn’t move fast, I would lose both of my brothers.

Without thinking, I yanked Arizona forward, pushing him out the window after Dakota, ignoring his cries.

Arizona made his escape right before the car disappeared beneath the surface. Holding my breath, I stuck my arm under the seat and, after feeling around, I discovered Kansas shoe was stuck.

Hurriedly, I unlaced his shoe and yanked his foot free. Grabbing my baby brother, I pulled him from the backseat, holding him close as I maneuvered us both through the windshield of my car.

I swam with Kansas in my arms until we reached the surface, his body dead weight in my arms. Cresting the surface, I gasped for air, as I swam one armed, with my brother to the shore where Arizona and a groggy Dakota were waiting for me.

“We need to call the police,” Arizona slurred, his teeth chattering.

Laying Kansas down on the bank, I felt his pulse again.

Not finding one, I started CPR.

After a few breaths and chest pumps, my baby brother started coughing up water as Arizona and I rolled him to his side.

Sitting down, I grabbed Kansas and held him to me as I took my first real breath. I watched as the last remnant of my car disappeared under the water.

Amy’s body floated motionless on top of the water.

I heard sirens off in the distance.

Help was coming.

“Should we go get her?” Arizona asked, his body shaking like a leaf as snow fell all around us.

I shook my head. “No. Not losing you, too. Bitch can stay there.”

Moments later, I heard, “You boysokay?”

Looking over my shoulder, I saw a police officer rushing over.

“There is someone in the water,” I said absently. “We tried to save her.”

Before I could more, the police officer jumped into the frigid water.

Kansas moved, sitting up on his own, asking. “Where’s Amy?”

I pointed at the water, unable to move.

“YOU LEFT HER!” Kansas roared, jumping to his feet, ready to jump back into the water. Grabbing him, it took me and Arizona both to hold him back. “You have to save her. She’s pregnant with my baby!”

“She’s gone, Kansas. She wasn’t wearing her seatbelt!” I shouted, ignoring the bomb Kansas had just dropped. “I had to get you out. I couldn’t lose you!”