Page 55 of Sinner's Redemption

“Who else knew your plans?” Fury asked.

Leaning forward, I linked my fingers together and sighed. “No one. I didn’t tell anyone.”

“You said you were going to ask Tess to marry you at dinner. I know your mother. She’d expect to see a ring. Did you go look at rings?” Happy asked.

“Went to Harry Winston’s. Bought a nice rock for Tess. Wanted something to match her eyes.” I muttered, remembering seeing the ice blue diamond. It was damn near a perfect match. I didn’t even glance at the damn price. Just told the sales agent I wanted it and handed over my card.

“Who has access to you banking information?” Storm asked.

“You, you fucker. You monitor and maintain everyone’s accounts.”

“I encrypted those accounts, Montana. Did you give Tess your card for anything? Let her buy something online? You gotta help me out here, Montana, because right now, I’ve got nothing. I agree with Vicious. Whatever is going on stems around you. Tessa is just the victim.”

“A woman posing as my mom was in my room with Tessa before she took her runner. Told her she wouldn’t let a gold-digging whore marry her son.”

Happy shouted angrily. “Virginia would never!”

Raising my hand, I nodded. “I know. Told Tessa the same thing. Plus, my parents weren’t even in the country at the time. When I asked, Tessa told me the woman had black hair.”

“I can work with that,” Storm grinned. “I can get Shame to go through the videos of your room right before Tessa left.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Don’t want a club brother looking at my woman, Storm. Bad enough I have twenty-four-hour surveillance in my room. There’s video of…”

Storm grinned. “Got it. I’ll fast forward past all your nasty parts.”

“Hate to burst your bubble, Storm, but you are the nastiest fucker here.” Fury chuckled.

“Hey,” Storm retorted. “Ladies volunteer for my nasty intentions. I’m a gentleman.”

Brothers groaned, while a few laughed out loud.

Moments later, Storm got really serious. “Prez, the rules of our charter are very clear. If we find evidence that someone is out to eliminate you, then the board is honor-boundto lock you down…with or without your permission. That means no contact with anyone until we remove the threat.”

My eyes snapped to his.

Growling, I sneered. “Not gonna happen.”

Malice shook his head. A small menacing grin appeared on my enforcer’s face as he whispered. “Not your choice, Prez.”

Payne, my other enforcer, shook his head. “While I don’t relish the thought of locking down my Prez like my buddy Malice over here, the fucker is right. You don’t have a choice. You are the President of the largest M.C. You are worth billions. If there is a threat to you, then Malice and I will act, even if we have to knock you the fuck out to do it. As it is right now, I am calling for a protection detail.”

“You can’t just call for a vote. You need a…,” I countered.

“I second the vote,” Malice grinned.


I was going to beat his ass.

Fucking Malice wasn’t happy unless he was making someone’s life a living hell.

“Fury, go get Mercy,” Happy ordered.

“I don’t need a fucking babysitter!”

I heard the laughter before I walked into the kitchen to find Tessa, my mom and Mrs. Alice laughing as they all talked around the kitchen island. Whatever they were cooking smelled delicious. My father and the Retirement Rejects were sitting at the small kitchen table playing cards as my son York sat in his highchair, chewing on a card in his hand.

“Hi son,” my mother greeted.