Page 32 of Sinner's Redemption

“Montana, are you even listening?” Mercy asked, getting my attention.

“Huh, what?”

My V.P. shook his head and grinned, before turning to look at Tessa and York. “I envy you. You know that.”

“Why? You have Sophia now.”

“But not Largo. She used to play with Sophia like that. I’d come home and just watch them. I miss that. So, I take it Tessa is staying?”

“She isn’t going anywhere. I’ll be bringing my claim up before the board at the next meeting. In the meantime, I want her afforded every right as my ol’ lady until then.”

“Everything?” Mercy asked, quirking his eyebrow at me.

“Everything,” I said firmly. My woman’s life was about to fucking change and she didn’t even know it. The club set rules and regulations in place long before I took over. Shit, that demanded allegiance and acceptance for any woman even considering becoming the wife or ol’ lady to a Soulless Sinner brother. But because I was the President, the rules were stricter, harsher, more stringent. My Tessa was about to have her whole life turned upside down. I had to let things unfold without interference. My only worry was the tentative ceasefire we had going on because when she realized what the club was about to do, she was going to flip.

Mercy nodded. “I’ll get Happy and the Rejects on it. You know your father is going to want to take the lead on this, right?”

“I know.” Grinning as I heard York’s giggles as Tessa blew raspberries on his tummy.

God, my kid was so fucking cute.

“Storm’s been looking into the Tessa’s blacklisting and with what you said about this woman pretending to be your mom. He’s leaning towards a scorned lover from your past. You know the deal… if she can’t have you, no one can.”

“Jesus’ fuck, Mercy. Do you know how many women I’ve been with?”

“More than a Singapore whore house.”

I chuckled at that. “Damn straight and that’s not including the girls I was with before I took over as President.”

“Gonna be looking for a needle in a haystack, brother. Unless you kept a list.”

“Fuck no, I didn’t keep a damn list. Hell, man, some women were one-night stands. Never even got their name.”

“Like I said,” he grinned, pointing a finger at me. “Man whore.”

Changing the subject, I asked, “Any word from Tennessee?”

Mercy sighed. “You’re going to have to decide about that soon. The club is exploding fast. If you plan on keeping your promise to Reaper, then just do what you have to.”

“How’s Remi adjusting?”

“Still in the dark. The latest report is that she keeps mainly to herself, only coming out at night to walk on the beach. Her bodyguard is worried about her. Thinks she may need therapy. It’s not easy living with blood on your hands. We know that better than anyone.”

“She killed her husband, Mercy. She’s never going to be the same person again. Call Angelica. Let her know she is required. She’s been wanting a change of scenery for a while now. Maybe Southern California will brighten her mood.”

Mercy nodded, typing into his phone. “Also, Kali called. She wants to know if you are attending this year’s Vanderveer Cancer Research Party. She hasn’t heard from you and wants an accurate head count.”

“Is Kansas going to be there?”

Mercy chuckled. “He is her husband, Montana. He won’t leave her side while she’s in the city and you know it.”

“Fine,” I groaned. “Tell her I will attend with a plus one. But I’m not going to play nice with dickhead. He annoys me, I won’t be held responsible.”

“I’ll let her know. Muzzle Kansas. Your mom is going to be pleased, though. Two of her boys, in the same room again. My advice, wear earplugs.”

I chuckled. Yeah, mom was going to lose her shit for sure.

“Anything else?”