Page 20 of Sinner's Redemption

I wasn’t that big of a bastard.

Hell, if she told me what was going on with her mom, I would have gone with her. I would have tried to help if I could. Instead, she fucked off and left, taking something that belonged to me.

That, I couldn’t forgive.

She knew the drill. Agreed to the terms. She broke them and now she would pay the price, but she would never leave me again. Was going to make damn sure about that once she calmed the fuck down.

In the years without her, no one came close to her. There was no comparison. She was it for me. There would never be another. Just had to lock her down and make damn sure she never wanted to leave. I was about to walk into uncharted territory. Never in my life had I ever considered myself a one-woman man. I never even wanted to settle down until her. She walked into my life and uprooted everything, turned it upside down and branded herself into my heart, just like the brand I wore on my back. The same brand she wore.

It was permanent, just like she was.

A loud scream echoed through the halls of my home as I grinned, taking another drink. God, she was going to be fun to break.

“She’s not going to be easy to lock down, son.”

Turning, I sighed. “What are you doing here, dad?”

“Mercy called me.”

“Go home. I can handle one little woman.”

My father chuckled as the sounds of glass shattering and wood breaking filled the house. “Sure, about that. You may not have a home left when she’s done.”

“She’s been at it for the last few hours. She’s winding down,” I said, just as the fire alarm went off upstairs.

Fuck me.

My father laughed. “Sure, she is.”

Getting to my feet, I grabbed the fire extinguisher and walked back upstairs for the third time tonight. Unlocking the bedroom door, I walked into a war zone. Seeing the small fire she started, I quickly put it out and went to leave when something hard hit my back. “Careful Tessa. I will return every hit in kind.”

“Fuck you!”

“Oh, I plan to. Many times, babe,” I smiled, closing the door and locking it again before heading back downstairs to find my father pouring himself a drink. “How’s the damage?”

“Still have a window left, a ceiling fan and a dresser. Everything else is toast.”

My father laughed boisterously. “God, that girl reminds me of your mother. Feisty bitch, too. Took me a while to tame her, but I got the job done.”

Sitting back down, I placed the fire extinguisher on the floor and picked up my bottle of scotch. “Best not let mom hear you say that shit. You’ll be in the doghouse for weeks.”

“Don’t I know it?” My father grinned, raising his glass in a salute. “To the women in our lives.”

Repeating his words, I took a large swallow when he asked, “So, what’s the deal with this bitch?”

“Mercy didn’t tell you?” I asked, then thought of something else. “Speaking of which, how in the hell does Mercy know?”

My father just stared blankly at me.

Right. Mercy, my all-knowing V.P.

Fuck me.

Bastard may know everything going on in the club and around the city, but he was fucking clueless with his own personal life. Fucker needed to fix his own shit and stay the hell out of mine.

“Mercy said you might need to talk. So, talk.”

“She’s had my kid. A boy.”