Page 95 of Sinner's Redemption

“You have one strong woman there, brother,” Kansas added. “When things settle down, come visit me and Kali in Oklahoma. I’ll leave the front door open for you.”

“What about you, Arizona?” Montana asked.

So that was Arizona, which meant the other one, the stern quiet one, must be Dakota. I had to admit, all the brothers looked alike. There was no denying they were related.

“I’m going with Kansas. Someone needs to babysit our little brother. God knows trouble always finds him.”

“Fuck you, Arizona,” Kansas groaned, grinning.

Montana chuckled. “Dakota?”

“Got a call from Angelica. Said Remi has missed her last two appointments. I need to get back.”

“She still safe?” Montana asked, concerned.

“Yeah. I have the place wired. Kids are driving her crazy, but she’s fine. She just never leaves the house.”

“What does Angelica say?”

“Depression, regret, fear. You know, the whole gambit. She said it’s going to take time for her to come to grips with what she did. Time is her friend right now. The more I can give her, the better she will be.”

“You okay with this assignment?”

“Wouldn’t have taken it if I wasn’t.”

“I had to threaten you, asshole.”

“Toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe.”

“Keep me updated. You hear anything, I want to know about it first and don’t forget, Mom wants all of you home for Christmas this year. She’s demanding your presence.”

Kansas tapped Montana’s shoulder, then pointed in my direction.

Shit. He saw me.

Montana turned, then smiled.

The brothers left as Montana sat next to me, leaning down to kiss my forehead. “Hi baby.”

My mind whirled with everything that had happened. Now that the dust had settled, the reality of my life with Montana sank in. I could clearly see what my future would hold if I stayed with him, and I didn’t like it. Not one bit. I didn’t understand how he could be so blasé about everything that had happened. We almost died. Someone shot at us. Shot up Kali’s Gala. People lay wounded, begging for help. We all nearly drowned. They shot his own brother in the chest. How could none of this be bothering him? Was he not affected by it all like I was?

“About time you woke up.”

“Where’s York?” I asked, needing to know my son was safe.

“He’s fine, baby. Mom and Mrs. Alice haven’t left his sight.”

Pulling the oxygen tube from my nose, I slowly sat up, taking off the heart rate monitor on my finger. The machine started beeping, and I sighed. “Hit the power button.”

Doing as I asked, the annoying noise ceased as I leaned back and sighed. “I’m thirsty.”

Montana said nothing as he poured me a cup of water. Handing it to me, I took it and drank it all. “I take it everyone survived.”

“Those that matter, yes.”

I didn’t want to know what he meant by that. As far as I was concerned, all lives mattered. Knowing he was so damn callous about life didn’t sit right with me. I knew we came from different backgrounds and different lives, but a life was a life. While I tried saving them, apparently, he had no problem killing them. My time in that nasty warehouse was proof. He shot that man as if it were nothing.

“Thank you for saving my brother. I’ll never be able to repay that debt.”