Page 65 of Sinner's Redemption

Like all the times before, Amy lay in the middle of the den, motionless, as a ventilator breathing for her. Machines monitored her breathing, heart rate, brain waves, everything.

“Well, there goes your theory, dick cheese,” Kansas muttered, walking over to his former girlfriend. “Unless she is the world’s best con artists, it’s not Amy.”

“Get the fuck away from my sister!” August roared, stumbling into the den. Ignoring my brother, I turned to August and asked. “How often do you check on her during the day?”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. Now answer the fucking question.”

August looked from Kansas to me before asking, “What is going on?”

I growled, “Not going to ask you again, Bane. Answer the fucking question?”

“I have the entire room monitored. While at work, I can log onto my phone and see her. During the day, her nurse is with her. I take over at night. What is going on?”

Reaching into my leather jacket, I pulled out the envelope that I received earlier this morning. Handing it to him, I waited as he read the contents.

August laughed. “This is a joke, right? You can’t honestly believe that my sister is the one causing you problems. She’s a fucking vegetable, Montana!”

“Then explain that letter?”

August threw the envelope and the contents at my feet. “I don’t have to explain shit to you. You are the reason my sister is in the state she’s in. She lost her whole fucking life because you saved your brothers first. You didn’t even think about saving her. You left her in the water to drown.”

“How many times do I have to tell you?” I growled, then roared. “I thought she was dead!”

August charged me, knocking me to the floor. Pissed, I didn’t think twice about sucker punching him in the kidneys. Kicking him off me, I rolled to my side just as August hauled off and punched me in the face. Pissed, I drew my gun and pointed it at the motherfucker.

“You fucking hit me?!” I sneered as he stopped, backing up until his back hit the wall. “I’m the goddamned President to the Soulless Sinners. A club that you belong to. A club that my dad branded you into. If you fucking hate me so damn much, man the fuck up and tell me you want out.”

“You killed my sister.”

“She isn’t dead August. She is laying right there.”

“You should have saved her first!”

“There was no pulse! I had a choice. Either let my brothers drown or save a girl I thought was already dead!”

“But she wasn’t dead, was she?”

“How the fuck was I supposed to know that? I’m not a fucking doctor!”

“She was my sister,” August cried. “She was all I had.”

Lowering my gun, I sighed, shaking my head. “You had me, August. You had the club and the rest of the brothers. You were my best friend. It was an accident. A shitty fucking accident. I’m sorry for Amy, I really am, but this shit needs to stop. You can’t keep living like this. You need to let her go.”

“Montana?” I heard my brother whisper.

Sitting on my ass, I sighed. “Fuck man. All these years wasted because of some fucked up accident. You are a damn good doctor, August. A stand-up guy. People respect you, look up to you. Admire you. Yet, you’ve squandered your life. How do you think Amy would feel if she woke up and found that you gave up?”

“August?” Kansas muttered again.

“You need to stop this vendetta against me and move on. I’ve more than paid for my actions for that day and I’m done. I won’t be coming back here in August. I’m done.”

“Guys!” Kansas yelled. “She’s awake!”

August and I scrambled to our feet, rushing over to the bed. August pushed Kansas to the side, reaching for his stethoscope as Amy’s eyes fell upon her brother.

“I’m here, sis. I’m here,” he whispered, listening to her heartbeat.