Page 111 of Sinner's Redemption

Grabbing the back of his shirt, I balled it into my fists as I whispered in his ear, “You don’t make promises you don’t intend to keep.”


His hard chest vibrated under my hands with that one, the sound making my pussy itch for more. He was driving me fucking crazy. What more did I need to do to get his attention? He wasn’t fucking blind. The man was forty-four years old and still had 20/20 vision. Did I need to write it across my chest for him?

I was horny.

I wanted sex!

“Who says I don’t intend to keep my word?”

“I don’t know, maybe living in separate rooms might have put that thought in my head.”

“You are healing Tessa.”

“I’m healed.”

“Not just physically, babe.”

“Oh, my mental faculties are working just fine. In fact, they are fueling my need for sex!”

He chuckled, getting to his feet. Walking around his desk, he headed for the door. Stopping, he looked over his shoulder and smiled. “You’re not ready yet.”


Huffing, I crossed my arms over my chest.

Rat bastard.

He was fucking toying with me.

I saw the bulge in his pants. He wanted me as much as I wanted him.

Following him into the kitchen, I watched as he took a seat at the small kitchen table, scrolling through his phone. His face was void of any expression, but I knew the fucker was laughing at me. Hell, I would be too. Since the moment I woke up this morning, I’ve had an itch that only he can scratch. Only he wasn’t playing along.

Before, all I needed to do was rub myself up on him and the man would fuck me into oblivion. Now, it seemed it didn’t matter what I did. Fucker wasn’t taking the hint!

Opening the fridge, I grabbed a bottle of water when I heard him say, “Grab me a beer from the fridge, will you?”

Slowly turning, I looked at the man, who couldn’t even bother to look up from his phone to ask me a simple question. Reaching for his damn beer, I slammed the fridge shut and walked over to him. I knew what I wanted to do with this beer, but I didn’t relish the idea of explaining to the emergency room how it got so far up his ass.

“Don’t forget we have that dinner tonight with my parents.”

I was aware about the dinner.

That’s all he talked about for the last week.

A fancy, smancy dinner with his folks.

There wasn’t going to be any dinner unless he gave me what I wanted.

“Your dress is being delivered in an hour. Do you need help getting…FUCK!” he cursed, jumping to his feet fast as he spun to face me as half of the beer I had in my hands trailed down his face and shoulders.

Grinning widely, I held the half empty bottle of beer in front of him and bowed. “Your beer, my liege.”

“You realize this is war, don’t you?”

I shook my head. “War indicates engagement. Not much of a war when you won’t engage.”