Page 109 of Sinner's Redemption

“One more thing,” Mercy stated. “Your mom has formally requested an appointment with you at your earliest convenience.”

“No,” I said firmly, turning away from my V.P. just as my phone started ringing. Seeing the unknown caller, I picked it up and asked, “How’s my son?”

“Is that how you greet me after everything I’ve done?”

Growling, I asked again, “How’s my son?”

“The perfect gentleman with wonderful manners. So, unlike you.”

“Layla isn’t overwhelmed?”

“No Montana,” Giovanni laughed. After the clusterfuck went down with Tessa, I wasn’t taking any chances when it came to York. I called in a favor and had my son whisked away under the cover of night. No one knew where my son was. Not even my parents and I planned on keeping it that way. With Petrovitch hellbent on destroying me, I wanted my son out of the line of fire.

“We are perfectly fine. No one suspects a thing. Even if they did, there would be no way they could find me. My island is uncharted. Only the family knows about it, and the only one who knows we are here is you.”

“Thank you for this, Giovanni. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t be there for York and Tessa at the same time.”

“I understand. You take care of your woman. Your bambino is having fun in the sun with my daughter. All is well here.”

“Thank you.”

“How is your woman?”

“Still sleeping. The doctors gave her the medication to come out of the coma three days ago, but so far, nothing yet.”

“Trauma is tricky. The more she can rest unobstructed, the faster she will heal. She will wake, Montana. Of that, I am sure. When she does, have you decided what you are going to do?”

Sighing, I got up and walked over to the window. Leaning my head against it, I replied, “No. Thanks to my mother and your annoying sister, they interfered in my relationship.”

Giovanni chuckled. “That sounds like my sister. What did she do?”

“She told Tessa everything. Every good and bad detail from the moment she returned to the city. Instead of leaving well enough alone, your sister opened a can of worms. And my mother blew the fucking lid off. Tessa was going to take the job in West Virginia, but my mother stopped that dead in the tracks when she had Tessa served with custody papers on my behalf. Only, she failed to tell me. So instead of Tessa being safe in West Virginia, she was here in the city. Easy for Petrovitch to take her.”

“You know that would have happened no matter where she went. Men like Petrovitch will always get what they want. Remember what happened to Layla and her father? I thought she was safe, and he still took her.”

“I remember. You and Maxim blew one of my docks sky high.”

“And I would again for the love of my life.”

“She knows the truth, Giovanni. About everything. I’m pretty damn sure she will never want to see me again.”

“No, I won’t.”

Chapter Thirty-Two


It had been three weeks.

Three weeks since they released me from the hospital.

Three weeks since Montana had been walking on eggshells around me. While I appreciated the space, he was seriously pissing me off.

When I agreed to return to Stone house, I thought we would talk, work through our issues and try to begin again. Instead, he wrapped me in bubble wrap and ordered me to stay home and heal.

That we would talk later.

I didn’t want to talk later.