Page 104 of Sinner's Redemption

“Oh shit,” Phantom gasped. “Did you get that, Sypher?”

Releasing Pippen, I turned back to the computer screen, trying to see what had three of the world’s biggest geeks so damn excited.

“I got it. Tri angling now Ms. Phantom.”

“Don’t forget to account for gravitational rotation!” Pippen shouted.

“This ain’t my first rodeo, small time.” Sypher joked.

The room filled up as brothers, mafia and Bratva entered the security room. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Maxim standing behind me, as he lightly squeezed, letting me know he was with me. Whatever, I decided he was with me.

“There!” Pippen shouted, pushing me out of the way as he started typing frantically on the keyboard. “Sypher, log into NASA and hack Hubble. Triangulate it over the Atlantic Ocean to get the current constellation maps. Phantom, log into the National Oceanic Aeronautic Association and look up the current wave patterns.”

“What the hell is going on?” I growled, demanding an answer.

“She’s on a ship,” Pippen said, focusing on the task in front of him. “The ship lightly sways. It’s so subtle, I didn’t see it at first. When it does, a porthole window appears in the screen’s corner, showing the night sky.”

“More importantly, the stars,” Sypher added. “With that information, we can triangulate exactly where she is.”

“We’ll, at least a twenty-mile square area. But it will be close.” Pippen clarified.

“So, we’re going swimming?” Malice asked.

Seconds later, all the clicking stopped.

No one said a word.

Pippen gaped at the information in front of him.

“Well!” I roared. “Where the fuck is she?”

Pippen slowly turned and gulped. “She’s on a ship docked at the end of our pier. She’s in our backyard.”


“Son, think about this logically about this,” my dad said angrily, trying to reason with me. He grabbed my arm as I tried to strap on my holster to my chest. “You go in there, guns blazing. You will not only get Tessa killed, but you as well!”

Yanking my arm out of his grasp, I scoffed, “I don’t give a fuck.”

Reaching for my guns, checking to make sure the clips were full.

“She is in there because of me. ME!” I shouted, grabbing more clips. “She never wanted this life. She just wanted to be a good mom and help people.”

“You’re wrong about that, son,” my dad shook his head. “She didn’t have to come back here, but she did.”

“Bullshit. She came back because she didn’t have a choice.”

“She could have taken that job in Charleston, son. You know that. God damn, the two of you are so fucking stubborn. Neither of you are willing to admit the fucking truth!”

Getting in my dad’s face, I sneered. “What’s the truth, Dad? Tell me because I’m going, regardless of what you say.”

“Son, she came back for you. Tessa wanted you. She always has. She loves you. Why do you think she fights you so hard?”

I chuckled. “Love me? She wants nothing to do with me.”

Shaking his head, my dad whispered. “Sometimes the people who love us the most will set us free because in their mind, it’s the right thing to do, son. She never left you Montana. Fuck, she still lives in the damn city! She set you free because she knew if she stayed, she would only get in the way. Just like you let go, too. Never in my life have I ever seen two people more suited for each other. You two belong together. So, before you go to your death, you need to know that the love of your life will do anything she has to, to ensure your survival.”
