Page 103 of Sinner's Redemption

“You shouldn’t be in here,” Snoopy stated firmly.

“Neither should you.”

Snoopy slowly got up and faced me. He looked deathly pale as tears pooled in his eyes. “I never wanted children. Never wanted to feel what I’m feeling now, but what that motherfucker is doing to her?” he gulped, shaking his head. “Kill him, Montana. Kill him slowly. I want him to feel everything.”

Snoopy sniffed, walking out of the room. Watching him leave, I heard her voice, “Montana.”

Turning back to Shame, he flinched, lowly cursing under his breath. Slowly turning my head from Shame to the monitor before him, I stumbled back until my back hit the wall.

There on the screen was my Tess.

Cuffed to a Saint Andrew’s Cross, naked for all to see as Petrovitch cut her with a blade. Her beautiful face was black and blue, both eyes swollen shut, blood dripped down her chin. She was having trouble breathing. There was dark bruising all over her body, but the side of her stomach was the worst, almost black.

“From what I can see, he’s ruptured both eye sockets and more than likely fractured her jaw. Judging from her breathing, it appears she has broken a few ribs, yet the bruising on her stomach is causing me concern. The darker the bruising gets, indicates that the fucker severally damaged her liver. Montana, she won’t be able to take much more before her body shuts down. Two hours, three at most,” August said from somewhere in the room.

I couldn’t stop watching as Petrovitch continued to whip and cut her.

“Are you watching Mr. Stone? Do you even care?” the motherfucker sneered at the camera.

“Can he hear us?” I asked, stepping off the wall.

Shame shook his head as tears slowly fell down his face. “No. There is a chatroom. We haven’t typed anything yet. Prez, you should know this feed is live on the dark web. People are watching it from all around the world. Brothers, other clubs, business affiliates, you name it. They have been calling since the feed went live. Everyone is mobilizing, ready whenever you give the okay.”

“Aww shit,” August cursed, as I watched a man inject something into her arm.

“What is he giving her?” I asked.

“Heroine.” August growled. “Fucker’s been giving her small amounts every so often to keep her from screaming.”

“How many injections has he given her already?”

When August didn’t answer, I looked at Shame. “Well?”

“The feed went live yesterday at six pm,” Shame admitted. “Snoopy got the link to the feed shortly after six but didn’t open it until an hour ago.”

Looking at my watch, I saw it was three in the morning. Tessa had been in that fucker’s possession for nine hours already.

“Montana,” she whispered.

Closing my eyes, Shame choked up. “That’s all she says, Prez. Every time they inject her, she whispers your name. Tell me we’re going to save her. I need to hear you say the words, Prez, because I can’t sit here and watch her die. I can’t.”

I wanted so much to tell him that very thing, but even I wasn’t so sure. “Take a break, brother. My turn to watch.”

Shame slowly got to his feet. His body drained as he barely hung onto what sanity he had left. August followed him out, shutting the door behind him.

Sitting before the computer, I stared at the soon to be dead motherfucker, looking for anything to give me a clue where he was holding her. It didn’t matter how insignificant. I just needed something to point me in the right direction when a small screen popped up and a woman’s face appeared.


I met the talented woman long before I took care of business with the Golden Skulls in Tennessee. The first time I left my woman unattended. Shaking off that thought, the woman sighed. “She’s all over the dark web, Montana. I got the alert when the video went live. I’ve been shutting down the sites as soon as they pop up, but Montana, she’s everywhere. The FBI knows. They are watching the feed too, along with every agency around the world. I’ve been back tracing the IP address, but it’s bouncing all over the world.”

The door slammed open, making me jump as Pippen rushed in. “Watch!” the kid shouted, pointing at the computer.

Doing as he said, I watched but saw nothing but Petrovitch licking Tessa’s face as he laughed. Balling my fist, I growled, “What kid? What the fuck do I need to see?”

“That!” the young prospect said excitedly.

Still seeing nothing, I yanked him towards me. “Speak English!”